The state of pilot study reporting in crowdsourcing: A reflection on best practices and guidelines
Pilot studies are an essential cornerstone of the design of crowdsourcing campaigns, yet
they are often only mentioned in passing in the scholarly literature. A lack of details …
they are often only mentioned in passing in the scholarly literature. A lack of details …
Diverse interaction recommendation for public users exploring multi-view visualization using deep learning
Interaction is an important channel to offer users insights in interactive visualization systems.
However, which interaction to operate and which part of data to explore are hard questions …
However, which interaction to operate and which part of data to explore are hard questions …
Charting EDA: Characterizing Interactive Visualization Use in Computational Notebooks with a Mixed-Methods Formalism
Interactive visualizations are powerful tools for Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA), but how do
they affect the observations analysts make about their data? We conducted a qualitative …
they affect the observations analysts make about their data? We conducted a qualitative …
Predicting intent behind selections in scatterplot visualizations
Predicting and capturing an analyst's intent behind a selection in a data visualization is
valuable in two scenarios: First, a successful prediction of a pattern an analyst intended to …
valuable in two scenarios: First, a successful prediction of a pattern an analyst intended to …
IntiVisor: A visual analytics system for interaction log analysis
Application developers frequently augment their code to produce event logs of specific
operations performed by their users. Subsequent analysis of these event logs can help …
operations performed by their users. Subsequent analysis of these event logs can help …
reVISit: Supporting Scalable Evaluation of Interactive Visualizations
reVISit is an open-source software toolkit and framework for creating, deploying, and
monitoring empirical visualization studies. Running a quality empirical study in visualization …
monitoring empirical visualization studies. Running a quality empirical study in visualization …
VisCoMET: Visually analyzing team collaboration in medical emergency trainings
Handling emergencies requires efficient and effective collaboration of medical
professionals. To analyze their performance, in an application study, we have developed …
professionals. To analyze their performance, in an application study, we have developed …
ConAn: Measuring and Evaluating User Confidence in Visual Data Analysis Under Uncertainty
User confidence plays an important role in guided visual data analysis scenarios, especially
when uncertainty is involved in the analytical process. However, measuring confidence in …
when uncertainty is involved in the analytical process. However, measuring confidence in …
ProvenanceWidgets: A Library of UI Control Elements to Track and Dynamically Overlay Analytic Provenance
We present ProvenanceWidgets, a Javascript library of UI control elements such as radio
buttons, checkboxes, and dropdowns to track and dynamically overlay a user's analytic …
buttons, checkboxes, and dropdowns to track and dynamically overlay a user's analytic …
The role of expertise on insight generation from visualization sequences
S Rosenthal, TR Chung - 2022 IEEE Symposium on Visual …, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Data analysts often tediously create visualization sequences to derive insights about what
they see. While recent AI-driven approaches generate sequences to optimize visualization …
they see. While recent AI-driven approaches generate sequences to optimize visualization …