Energy sustainability–survey on technology and control of microgrid, smart grid and virtual power plant
The idea of microgrid, smart grid, and virtual power plant (VPP) is being developed to
resolve the challenges of climate change in the 21st century, to ensure the use of renewable …
resolve the challenges of climate change in the 21st century, to ensure the use of renewable …
Smart grid integration of renewable energy systems
Smart grid is an evolution of existing power system with close interplay among energy,
control and communication infrastructure. Power processing is done using both kinds of …
control and communication infrastructure. Power processing is done using both kinds of …
State estimation of smart power grid: A literature survey
Develo** new and improving existing energy technologies, as well as adding information
systems to manage the monitoring and controlling of smart grids, are all part of the …
systems to manage the monitoring and controlling of smart grids, are all part of the …
A Decentralized Control Synthesis Approach for Networked Systems with Arbitrary Interconnections
This article considers the problem of decentralized analysis and control synthesis to verify
and enforce properties like stability and dissipativity of large-scale networked systems …
and enforce properties like stability and dissipativity of large-scale networked systems …
Hybrid Renewable Energy Sources: Their Potential to Meet Electricity Demand
Global population rises, as does the demand for energy, but countries' access to energy
sources becomes increasingly constrained. With a growing population and diminishing …
sources becomes increasingly constrained. With a growing population and diminishing …
A generalized distributed analysis and control synthesis approach for networked systems with arbitrary interconnections
We consider the problem of distributed analysis and control synthesis to verify and ensure
properties like stability and dissipativity of a large-scale networked system comprised of …
properties like stability and dissipativity of a large-scale networked system comprised of …
[HTML][HTML] From Bottom-Up Towards a Completely Decentralized Autonomous Electric Grid Based on the Concept of a Decentralized Autonomous Substation
The idea of a decentralized electric grid has shifted from being a concept to a reality. The
growing integration of distributed energy resources (DERs) has transformed the traditional …
growing integration of distributed energy resources (DERs) has transformed the traditional …
A decentralized analysis and control synthesis approach for networked systems with arbitrary interconnections
This paper considers the problem of decentralized analysis and control synthesis to verify
and ensure properties like stability and dissipativity of a large-scale networked system …
and ensure properties like stability and dissipativity of a large-scale networked system …
[HTML][HTML] A robust digital control strategy using error correction based on the discrete lyapunov theorem
G Du, J Li, F Du, Z Liu - Energies, 2018 -
This paper presents a robust digital control strategy using error correction techniques to
improve the robustness of conventional deadbeat control methods. The proposed control …
improve the robustness of conventional deadbeat control methods. The proposed control …
La chaîne de blocs et les technologies avancées au service de la décentralisation et l'automatisation du réseau électrique: le modèle des stations autonomes …
A Aoun - 2024 -
Le secteur énergétique est en pleine mutation, porté par de nouvelles réglementations
climatiques et une tendance politique à la sortie du nucléaire, visant à atteindre la neutralité …
climatiques et une tendance politique à la sortie du nucléaire, visant à atteindre la neutralité …