A review of the application of virtual and augmented reality in physical and occupational therapy
This paper includes a research review in five bibliographic databases on using the
application of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) in physical and occupational …
application of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) in physical and occupational …
Dense monocular depth estimation for stereoscopic vision based on pyramid transformer and multi-scale feature fusion
Z **a, T Wu, Z Wang, M Zhou, B Wu, CY Chan… - Scientific Reports, 2024 - nature.com
Stereoscopic display technology plays a significant role in industries, such as film, television
and autonomous driving. The accuracy of depth estimation is crucial for achieving high …
and autonomous driving. The accuracy of depth estimation is crucial for achieving high …
Flicker-free dual-volume augmented reality display using a pixelated interwoven integral floating technique with a geometric phase lens
A geometric phase (GP) integral floating display can provide multifocal three-dimensional
(3D) augmented reality (AR) images with enhanced depth expression by switching the focal …
(3D) augmented reality (AR) images with enhanced depth expression by switching the focal …
Free-space combiner based on holographic mirrors for head-mounted displays
AB Solomashenko, OL Afanaseva, VV Markin… - Applied Optics, 2024 - opg.optica.org
The paper presents an augmented reality display based on the free-space combiner,
consisting of two holographic mirrors: flat and spherical. A feature of such a system is a high …
consisting of two holographic mirrors: flat and spherical. A feature of such a system is a high …
A spatial-focal error concealment scheme for corrupted focal stack video
Focal stack image sequences can be regarded as successive frames of videos, which are
densely captured by focusing on a stack of focal planes. This type of data is able to provide …
densely captured by focusing on a stack of focal planes. This type of data is able to provide …
Hiermit versichere ich, dass ich die vorliegende Dissertationsschrift selbstständig und ohne
Benutzung anderer als der angegebenen Quellen und Hilfsmittel angefertigt und die den …
Benutzung anderer als der angegebenen Quellen und Hilfsmittel angefertigt und die den …
МВ ШИШОВА, АБ СОЛОМАШЕНКО… - Москва, 2024 - elibrary.ru
В работе предложен вариант дисплея дополненной реальности, основанного на двух
голограммных зеркалах: плоском и сферическом. Особенностью такой системы …
голограммных зеркалах: плоском и сферическом. Особенностью такой системы …