Intensification for redesigned and sustainable agricultural systems
BACKGROUND The mid-20th century brought agricultural transformation and the “Green
Revolution.” New crop varieties and livestock breeds—combined with increased use of …
Revolution.” New crop varieties and livestock breeds—combined with increased use of …
Sustainable intensification in agricultural systems
Background Agricultural systems are amended ecosystems with a variety of properties.
Modern agroecosystems have tended towards high through-flow systems, with energy …
Modern agroecosystems have tended towards high through-flow systems, with energy …
Agriculture, forestry and other land uses (chapter 7)
GJ Nabuurs, R Mrabet, A Abu Hatab, M Bustamante… - 2022 - pure.iiasa.ac.at
The Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) sector encompasses managed
ecosystems and offers significant mitigation opportunities while delivering food, wood and …
ecosystems and offers significant mitigation opportunities while delivering food, wood and …
Action needed for the EU Common Agricultural Policy to address sustainability challenges
Making agriculture sustainable is a global challenge. In the European Union (EU), the
Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is failing with respect to biodiversity, climate, soil, land …
Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is failing with respect to biodiversity, climate, soil, land …
Global assessment of agricultural system redesign for sustainable intensification
The sustainable intensification of agricultural systems offers synergistic opportunities for the
co-production of agricultural and natural capital outcomes. Efficiency and substitution are …
co-production of agricultural and natural capital outcomes. Efficiency and substitution are …
The economic potential of agroecology: Empirical evidence from Europe
This article discusses the economic dimensions of agroecological farming systems in
Europe. It firstly theoretically elaborates the reasons why, and under what conditions …
Europe. It firstly theoretically elaborates the reasons why, and under what conditions …
The greenhouse gas impacts of converting food production in England and Wales to organic methods
Agriculture is a major contributor to global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and must
feature in efforts to reduce emissions. Organic farming might contribute to this through …
feature in efforts to reduce emissions. Organic farming might contribute to this through …
[ספר][B] Sustainable diets: how ecological nutrition can transform consumption and the food system
P Mason, T Lang - 2017 - taylorfrancis.com
How can huge populations be fed healthily, equitably and affordably while maintaining the
ecosystems on which life depends? The evidence of diet's impact on public health and the …
ecosystems on which life depends? The evidence of diet's impact on public health and the …
[HTML][HTML] Legume dreams: The contested futures of sustainable plant-based food systems in Europe
With the intensification of agriculture, the simplification of crop rotations, and the rise in
demand for meat, dairy and cereal products, legume production and consumption are at an …
demand for meat, dairy and cereal products, legume production and consumption are at an …
The resignification process of Agroecology: Competing narratives from governments, civil society and intergovernmental organizations
The definition of Agroecology as a science, as a movement, and as a practice is widely
accepted worldwide. But these three approaches are in fact interrelated elements which …
accepted worldwide. But these three approaches are in fact interrelated elements which …