Applying mass communication frameworks to study humor's impact: Advancing the study of political satire
AB Becker - Annals of the International Communication …, 2020 - academic.oup.com
Political satire has been an object of study for communication researchers for more than a
generation. Focused primarily on the political effects of satire exposure on attitudes and …
generation. Focused primarily on the political effects of satire exposure on attitudes and …
Does gender matter? Comic hosts, audience reception, and the processing of political satire content.
AB Becker - Psychology of Popular Media, 2023 - psycnet.apa.org
Extending previous research on comedy processing in new theoretical directions, the
experimental study (N= 206) considers the differential impact of varying comic and audience …
experimental study (N= 206) considers the differential impact of varying comic and audience …
We like the boyfriend! The changing nature of political comedy, COVID-19, and interview conversations with Governor Andrew Cuomo
AB Becker - Mass Communication and Society, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
Political comedy has seen considerable upheaval during the COVID-19 era. Broadcasting
from home—or not at all—or back in an audience-less studio, comedians have adjusted …
from home—or not at all—or back in an audience-less studio, comedians have adjusted …
[BOK][B] Die Rezeption politischer Talkshows im Fernsehen: Der Einfluss des Unterhaltungserlebens auf die Informationsverarbeitung
FS Roth - 2015 - books.google.com
Franziska S. Roth untersucht, inwiefern politische Talkshows Quellen für die
Einstellungsbildung von ZuschauerInnen sein können. Ihr Buch zeigt, dass politische …
Einstellungsbildung von ZuschauerInnen sein können. Ihr Buch zeigt, dass politische …
Character morality, enjoyment, and appreciation: A replication of Eden, Daalmans, and Johnson (2017)
Affective disposition theory explains that the perceived morality of characters plays a critical
role in the experience of enjoyment, but is challenged by the apparent appeal of morally …
role in the experience of enjoyment, but is challenged by the apparent appeal of morally …
The grand finale: Televised political debate effects in the Portuguese general elections.
The 2019 televised debate between the leaders of the two main Portuguese parties for the
general elections in Portugal drew approximately 2.7 million viewers. Debates constitute a …
general elections in Portugal drew approximately 2.7 million viewers. Debates constitute a …
Decolonizing communication rhetoric: A case study of Caribbean feminist discursive practices
N Gordon - Decolonizing communication studies, 2022 - books.google.com
In this essay, I explore the intellectual contributions of locally produced epistemologies
derived from the Caribbean, as they pertain to feminist rhetoric in the field of communication …
derived from the Caribbean, as they pertain to feminist rhetoric in the field of communication …
The power of humor: The role of political entertainment programming in South Korea for enhancing attitudes toward the oppositional message source
Drawing on the dual-process models of persuasion, this study sheds light on the impacts of
political entertainment programming in South Korea with a particular emphasis on its …
political entertainment programming in South Korea with a particular emphasis on its …
[BOK][B] Do Negative Messages Backfire? Motivated Psychophysiological Responses to Political Messages
X Zheng - 2022 - search.proquest.com
The current political and media ecology is characterized by the large amount of negative
arousing communication and polarization. Political message processing, though necessary …
arousing communication and polarization. Political message processing, though necessary …
It's moral: judgments in everyday life
R Demel - 2022 - ediss.uni-goettingen.de
It’s moral: judgments in everyday life Page 1 It’s moral: judgments in everyday life
Dissertation Zur Erlangung des mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Doktorgrades „Doctor …
Dissertation Zur Erlangung des mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Doktorgrades „Doctor …