Applying mass communication frameworks to study humor's impact: Advancing the study of political satire

AB Becker - Annals of the International Communication …, 2020 -
Political satire has been an object of study for communication researchers for more than a
generation. Focused primarily on the political effects of satire exposure on attitudes and …

Does gender matter? Comic hosts, audience reception, and the processing of political satire content.

AB Becker - Psychology of Popular Media, 2023 -
Extending previous research on comedy processing in new theoretical directions, the
experimental study (N= 206) considers the differential impact of varying comic and audience …

We like the boyfriend! The changing nature of political comedy, COVID-19, and interview conversations with Governor Andrew Cuomo

AB Becker - Mass Communication and Society, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
Political comedy has seen considerable upheaval during the COVID-19 era. Broadcasting
from home—or not at all—or back in an audience-less studio, comedians have adjusted …

[BOK][B] Die Rezeption politischer Talkshows im Fernsehen: Der Einfluss des Unterhaltungserlebens auf die Informationsverarbeitung

FS Roth - 2015 -
Franziska S. Roth untersucht, inwiefern politische Talkshows Quellen für die
Einstellungsbildung von ZuschauerInnen sein können. Ihr Buch zeigt, dass politische …

Character morality, enjoyment, and appreciation: A replication of Eden, Daalmans, and Johnson (2017)

K Yoshimura, ND Bowman, EL Cohen… - Media Psychology, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
Affective disposition theory explains that the perceived morality of characters plays a critical
role in the experience of enjoyment, but is challenged by the apparent appeal of morally …

The grand finale: Televised political debate effects in the Portuguese general elections.

F Falcão, B Sousa, P Moreira, C Jalali… - Journal of Media …, 2024 -
The 2019 televised debate between the leaders of the two main Portuguese parties for the
general elections in Portugal drew approximately 2.7 million viewers. Debates constitute a …

Decolonizing communication rhetoric: A case study of Caribbean feminist discursive practices

N Gordon - Decolonizing communication studies, 2022 -
In this essay, I explore the intellectual contributions of locally produced epistemologies
derived from the Caribbean, as they pertain to feminist rhetoric in the field of communication …

The power of humor: The role of political entertainment programming in South Korea for enhancing attitudes toward the oppositional message source

H Lee, J Yeon - Mass Communication and Society, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
Drawing on the dual-process models of persuasion, this study sheds light on the impacts of
political entertainment programming in South Korea with a particular emphasis on its …

[BOK][B] Do Negative Messages Backfire? Motivated Psychophysiological Responses to Political Messages

X Zheng - 2022 -
The current political and media ecology is characterized by the large amount of negative
arousing communication and polarization. Political message processing, though necessary …

It's moral: judgments in everyday life

R Demel - 2022 -
It’s moral: judgments in everyday life Page 1 It’s moral: judgments in everyday life
Dissertation Zur Erlangung des mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Doktorgrades „Doctor …