Additive manufacturing of bimetallic structures
Current industrial applications demand materials with customised features and site-specific
properties, and many such applications use bimetallic structures. Bimetallic structures offer …
properties, and many such applications use bimetallic structures. Bimetallic structures offer …
[HTML][HTML] Diffusion bonding and transient liquid phase (TLP) bonding of type 304 and 316 austenitic stainless steel—A review of similar and dissimilar material joints
Similar and dissimilar material joints of AISI grade 304 (1.4301) and AISI grade 316 (1.4401)
austenitic stainless steel by solid state diffusion bonding and transient liquid phase (TLP) …
austenitic stainless steel by solid state diffusion bonding and transient liquid phase (TLP) …
Vacuum diffusion bonding of α‑titanium alloy to stainless steel for aerospace applications: Interfacial microstructure and mechanical characteristics
In present study dissimilar metal joints between austenitic stainless steel (modified SS321)
and α-Ti alloy (Ti-5Al-2.5 Sn ELI) were produced by solid-state diffusion bonding process …
and α-Ti alloy (Ti-5Al-2.5 Sn ELI) were produced by solid-state diffusion bonding process …
Analysis and characterization of the role of Ni interlayer in the friction welding of titanium and 304 austenitic stainless steel
Joining of commercially pure Ti to 304 stainless steel by fusion welding processes
possesses problems due to the formation of brittle intermetallic compounds in the weld …
possesses problems due to the formation of brittle intermetallic compounds in the weld …
A review on diffusion bonding between titanium alloys and stainless steels
High‐quality joints between titanium alloys and stainless steels have found applications for
nuclear, petrochemical, cryogenic, and aerospace industries due to their relatively low cost …
nuclear, petrochemical, cryogenic, and aerospace industries due to their relatively low cost …
Functional bimetallic joints of Ti6Al4V to SS410
Bimetallic structures provide a unique solution to achieve site-specific functionalities and
enhanced-property capabilities in engineering systems but suffer from bonding compatibility …
enhanced-property capabilities in engineering systems but suffer from bonding compatibility …
Microstructure and mechanical properties of vacuum diffusion bonded joints between Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy and AISI316L stainless steel using Cu/Nb multi …
Abstract Dissimilar joining of Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy and AISI316L stainless steel was
investigated in the current study by diffusion bonding using Cu/Nb multi-interlayer. Effects of …
investigated in the current study by diffusion bonding using Cu/Nb multi-interlayer. Effects of …
Application of Box–Behnken design for fabrication of titanium alloy and 304 stainless steel joints with silver interlayer by diffusion bonding
M Balasubramanian - Materials & Design, 2015 - Elsevier
Direct bonding between titanium (Ti)/titanium alloy (Ti alloy) and stainless steel (SS)
promotes the formation of various Fe–Ti and Fe–Cr–Ti intermetallics in the diffusion zone …
promotes the formation of various Fe–Ti and Fe–Cr–Ti intermetallics in the diffusion zone …
Effective cooling methods for Ti6Al4V CNC milling: a review
ABSTRACT The Ti6Al4V is an eminent material by its high strength, dimensional stability,
lower weight and corrosion resistance. Its lower thermal conductivity leads to poor …
lower weight and corrosion resistance. Its lower thermal conductivity leads to poor …
Effect of interlayer material and rolling temperature on microstructures and mechanical properties of titanium/steel clad plates
BX Li, ZJ Chen, WJ He, PJ Wang, JS Lin… - Materials Science and …, 2019 - Elsevier
Titanium (Ti)/steel clad plates with interlayer material of interstitial free (IF) steel, vanadium
(V) and IF steel+ V were successfully fabricated by hot roll bonding method at temperature of …
(V) and IF steel+ V were successfully fabricated by hot roll bonding method at temperature of …