Ecological indicators for stream restoration success
Exploitation of freshwater resources is essential for sustenance of human existence and
alteration of rivers, lakes and wetlands has facilitated economic development for centuries …
alteration of rivers, lakes and wetlands has facilitated economic development for centuries …
www. freshwaterecology. info–an online tool that unifies, standardises and codifies more than 20,000 European freshwater organisms and their ecological …
Species' ecological preferences are progressively important for understanding distribution
patterns, for conserving biodiversity or for assessing and evaluating the status of freshwater …
patterns, for conserving biodiversity or for assessing and evaluating the status of freshwater …
Sorting things out: Assessing effects of unequal specimen biomass on DNA metabarcoding
Environmental bulk samples often contain many different taxa that vary several orders of
magnitude in biomass. This can be problematic in DNA metabarcoding and metagenomic …
magnitude in biomass. This can be problematic in DNA metabarcoding and metagenomic …
Multiple‐stressor effects on stream invertebrates: a mesocosm experiment manipulating nutrients, fine sediment and flow velocity
Land‐use changes have degraded ecosystems worldwide. A particular concern for
freshwater biodiversity and ecosystem function are stressors introduced by intensified …
freshwater biodiversity and ecosystem function are stressors introduced by intensified …
[HTML][HTML] Citizen science for assessing pesticide impacts in agricultural streams
The majority of central European streams are in poor ecological condition. Pesticide inputs
from terrestrial habitats present a key threat to sensitive insects in streams. Both …
from terrestrial habitats present a key threat to sensitive insects in streams. Both …
Biodiversity of traits and species both show weak responses to hydromorphological alteration in lowland river macroinvertebrates
Lotic ecosystems worldwide are being increasingly modified hydromorphologically, for
example, by damming, fragmentation, flow regulation and channel modification. Serious …
example, by damming, fragmentation, flow regulation and channel modification. Serious …
Advancing the use of molecular methods for routine freshwater macroinvertebrate biomonitoring–the need for calibration experiments
Over the last decade, steady advancements have been made in the use of DNA-based
methods for detection of species in a wide range of ecosystems. This progress has …
methods for detection of species in a wide range of ecosystems. This progress has …
Citizen science shows that small agricultural streams in Germany are in a poor ecological status
J von Gönner, J Gröning, V Grescho, L Neuer… - Science of the Total …, 2024 - Elsevier
Agricultural pesticides, nutrients, and habitat degradation are major causes of insect
declines in lowland streams. To effectively conserve and restore stream habitats …
declines in lowland streams. To effectively conserve and restore stream habitats …
Effects of multiple stressors on the distribution of fish communities in 203 headwater streams of Rhine, Elbe and Danube
M Mueller, AM Bierschenk, BM Bierschenk… - Science of the Total …, 2020 - Elsevier
Fishes in European rivers are threatened by manifold stressors such as structural
degradation, water pollution, overexploitation, land-use changes in the catchment, invasive …
degradation, water pollution, overexploitation, land-use changes in the catchment, invasive …
Adding DNA barcoding to stream monitoring protocols–What's the additional value and congruence between morphological and molecular identification approaches?
Although aquatic macroinvertebrates and freshwater fishes are important indicators for
freshwater quality assessments, the morphological identification to species-level is often …
freshwater quality assessments, the morphological identification to species-level is often …