Smart energy city development: A story told by urban planners
The smart energy city is an emerging concept in urban development, aiming to optimize
urban energy systems and improve the quality of life for citizens. However, smart energy city …
urban energy systems and improve the quality of life for citizens. However, smart energy city …
Analyzing barriers of Smart Energy City in Accra with two-step fuzzy DEMATEL
BA Addae, L Zhang, P Zhou, F Wang - Cities, 2019 - Elsevier
Abstract The prevalence of Smart Energy City (SEC) has over the years been seen as a
preemptive measure in dealing with many energy problems faced by cities. Like other cities …
preemptive measure in dealing with many energy problems faced by cities. Like other cities …
Smart cities evaluation–a survey of performance and sustainability indicators
D Petrova-Antonova, S Ilieva - 2018 44th Euromicro …, 2018 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Nowadays, the cities continuously attract new residents and become preferable places to
live. They provide better quality services in transportation, healthcare and education …
live. They provide better quality services in transportation, healthcare and education …
Creating smart energy cities for sustainability through project implementation: A case study of Bolzano, Italy
Globally, cities are experiencing an unprecedented socio-economic, demographic, and
environmental transition that brings with it negative environmental externalities, such as …
environmental transition that brings with it negative environmental externalities, such as …
[PDF][PDF] Smart city through a flexible approach to smart energy
The paper provides an overview of the development trends of the smart city. Over the past
decades, the trend of the new urban model called smart city has been gaining momentum …
decades, the trend of the new urban model called smart city has been gaining momentum …
Analysis and hypothesis testing of redundant energy of solar home systems without net-metering
Solar home systems (SHS) are increasing being deployed as sustainable energy supply for
the residential sector to meet the Sustainable Development Goal 7 target by 2030 …
the residential sector to meet the Sustainable Development Goal 7 target by 2030 …
Az adat és a kormányzás jelentősége az okos város stratégiai alapú értékteremtési folyamatában–Magyar nagyvárosok összehasonlítása egy szintetizáló …
Álláspontunk szerint az okos város az embert helyezi a középpontba, a technológia csupán
a lehetőséget biztosítja arra, hogy a városok élhetőbbek, innovatívabbak legyenek …
a lehetőséget biztosítja arra, hogy a városok élhetőbbek, innovatívabbak legyenek …
Comparing smart cities concepts
L Übelmesser, S Klingert… - 2020 IEEE international …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Urban areas cause 70% of global CO 2-emissions already today. This share is continuously
growing, mainly due to a general urbanization trend. This makes cities one of the major …
growing, mainly due to a general urbanization trend. This makes cities one of the major …
A Proposed Model for Measuring the Performance of Smart Cities in Egypt
HT Eissa, ANA El-Nahas - ERJ. Engineering Research …, 2021 - erjm.journals.ekb.eg
Smart communities/cities are technology-based urban communities, those measures
supporting a city to improve its social, economic, and environmental conditions and provide …
supporting a city to improve its social, economic, and environmental conditions and provide …
Az adat és a kormányzás jelentősége az okos város stratégiai alapú értékteremtési folyamatában–Magyar nagyvárosok összehasonlítása egy szintetizáló …
Á Gyimesi, ES Pfeil - Tér és Társadalom, 2021 - dp.rkk.hu
Álláspontunk szerint az okos város az embert helyezi a középpontba, a technológia csupán
a lehetőséget biztosítja arra, hogy a városok élhetőbbek, innovatívabbak legyenek …
a lehetőséget biztosítja arra, hogy a városok élhetőbbek, innovatívabbak legyenek …