Data-based and opportunistic integral concurrent learning for adaptive trajectory tracking during switched FES-induced biceps curls
Hybrid exoskeletons, which combine functional electrical stimulation (FES) with a motorized
testbed, can potentially improve the rehabilitation of people with movement disorders …
testbed, can potentially improve the rehabilitation of people with movement disorders …
Torque and cadence tracking in functional electrical stimulation induced cycling using passivity-based spatial repetitive learning control
Due to the inherent periodic nature of cycling tasks, iterative and repetitive learning
controllers are well motivated for rehabilitative cycling. Motorized functional electrical …
controllers are well motivated for rehabilitative cycling. Motorized functional electrical …
A survey on modeling mechanism and control strategy of rehabilitation robots: Recent trends, current challenges, and future developments
Due to an increasingly serious aging society and a large number of disabled civilians, the
number of residents who need rehabilitation therapy is increasing rapidly in the past few …
number of residents who need rehabilitation therapy is increasing rapidly in the past few …
Distributed repetitive learning control for cooperative cadence tracking in functional electrical stimulation cycling
Closed-loop control of functional electrical stimulation coupled with motorized assistance to
induce cycling is a rehabilitative strategy that can improve the mobility of people with …
induce cycling is a rehabilitative strategy that can improve the mobility of people with …
Adaptive trajectory tracking during motorized and FES-induced biceps curls via integral concurrent learning
A common rehabilitative technique for those with neuro-muscular disorders is functional
electrical stimulation (FES) induced exercise such as FES-induced biceps curls. FES has …
electrical stimulation (FES) induced exercise such as FES-induced biceps curls. FES has …
Model free nonlinear control with finite-time estimation applied to closed-loop electrical stimulation induced cycling
Model free or data-driven control methods are suitable for real-time applications that involve
nonlinear systems with uncertainties. Human-machine interaction problems include …
nonlinear systems with uncertainties. Human-machine interaction problems include …
Saturated adaptive control of antagonistic muscles on an upper-limb hybrid exoskeleton
Functional electrical stimulation (FES) is a viable rehabilitation method for individuals
affected by neurological injuries. When FES is combined with a powered exoskeleton, a …
affected by neurological injuries. When FES is combined with a powered exoskeleton, a …
Sliding mode control of continuous-time switched systems with signal quantization and actuator nonlinearity
This article investigates sliding mode control for a class of continuous-time switched systems
with signal quantization, actuator nonlinearity and persistent dwell-time switching that can …
with signal quantization, actuator nonlinearity and persistent dwell-time switching that can …
Switched control of motor assistance and functional electrical stimulation for biceps curls
Rehabilitation robotics is an emerging tool for motor recovery from various neurological
impairments. However, balancing the human and robot contribution is an open problem …
impairments. However, balancing the human and robot contribution is an open problem …
Switched motorized assistance during switched functional electrical stimulation of the biceps brachii to compensate for fatigue
Rehabilitation treatments for neurological conditions that result in movement disorders often
include functional electrical stimulation (FES) to restore limb function and increase muscle …
include functional electrical stimulation (FES) to restore limb function and increase muscle …