Racism against racialized migrants in healthcare in Europe: a sco** review

M Pattillo, S Stieglitz, K Angoumis, N Gottlieb - International journal for …, 2023 - Springer
Background Racism is frequently mentioned as a social determinant of migrants' health and
a barrier to health services. However, in the European context, racism and its impact on …

A long road: Patterns and prospects for social equity, diversity, and inclusion in public administration

S McCandless, SG Bishu… - Public …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Public Administration, the field's oldest journal, is now 100 years old. Despite this centenary,
it has only been relatively recently that scholars have examined questions of:(1) how …

Looking through racism in the nurse–patient relationship from the lens of culturally congruent care: A sco** review

M Vaismoradi, C Fredriksen Moe… - Journal of advanced …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Aim This review aimed to identify the nature of racism in the nurse–patient relationship and
summarize international research findings about it. Design A sco** review of the …

Race in the Marketplace and COVID-19

D Crockett, SA Grier - Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 2021 - journals.sagepub.com
In the United States alone, COVID-19 has claimed tens of thousands of lives. And though it
is no respecter of wealth, social status, or national boundary, initial claims that “We are all in …

Institutioneller Rassismus in Behörden-Rassistische Wissensbestände in Polizei, Gesundheitsversorgung und Arbeitsverwaltung

A Graevskaia, K Menke, A Rumpel - 2022 - econstor.eu
Rassistische Wissensbestände stellen in deutschen Behörden keine Ausnahme dar.
Auch unsere Forschung zeigt: Sie sind strukturell eingebettet und werden institutionell (re-) …

[PDF][PDF] Empowering communities with health promotion labs: result from a CBPR programme in Malmö, Sweden

H Avery, K Sjögren Forss… - Health promotion …, 2022 - academic.oup.com
Health promotion is thus not only a participatory practice, but a practice for empowerment
and social justice. The study describes findings from a community-based participatory and …

Race, racism, and respiratory health

A Baugh, N Thakur - Clinics in Chest Medicine, 2023 - chestmed.theclinics.com
Health disparities are defined as differences in disease prevalence, outcomes, or access to
care across different populations. 1 Structural and social determinants of health, that is the …

[HTML][HTML] A sense of injustice in care networks: An intersectional exploration of the collaboration between professionals and carers with a migration background.

AH Hengelaar, P Verdonk, M van Hartingsveldt… - Social Science & …, 2024 - Elsevier
This study tries to understand the power of knowledge within collaborative care networks to
provide insights for designing successful collaboration within care networks by combining …

[HTML][HTML] The good, the bad, and the why: How do Arabic-speaking migrant men perceive and experience information and services related to sexual and reproductive …

M Baroudi, I Goicolea, AK Hurtig - Journal of Migration and Health, 2023 - Elsevier
Although migrant men constitute a large and growing proportion of men in Sweden,
literature exploring migrant men's experiences in sexual and reproductive health (SRH) …