Observation of superradiant bursts in a cascaded quantum system
We experimentally investigate the collective radiative decay of a fully inverted ensemble of
two-level atoms for a chiral, ie, propagation direction-dependent light-matter coupling …
two-level atoms for a chiral, ie, propagation direction-dependent light-matter coupling …
Collective radiation of a cascaded quantum system: From timed Dicke states to inverted ensembles
The collective absorption and emission of light by an ensemble of atoms is at the heart of
many fundamental quantum optical effects and the basis for numerous applications …
many fundamental quantum optical effects and the basis for numerous applications …
Strong coupling of two individually controlled atoms via a nanophotonic cavity
P Samutpraphoot, T Đorđević, PL Ocola, H Bernien… - Physical review …, 2020 - APS
We demonstrate photon-mediated interactions between two individually trapped atoms
coupled to a nanophotonic cavity. Specifically, we observe collective enhancement when …
coupled to a nanophotonic cavity. Specifically, we observe collective enhancement when …
Trapped atoms and superradiance on an integrated nanophotonic microring circuit
Interfacing cold atoms with integrated nanophotonic devices could offer new paradigms for
engineering atom-light interactions and provide a potentially scalable route for quantum …
engineering atom-light interactions and provide a potentially scalable route for quantum …
Atomic spin-controlled non-reciprocal Raman amplification of fibre-guided light
In a non-reciprocal optical amplifier, gain depends on whether the light propagates forwards
or backwards through the device. Typically, one requires either the magneto-optical effect …
or backwards through the device. Typically, one requires either the magneto-optical effect …
Telecom-band quantum optics with ytterbium atoms and silicon nanophotonics
Wavelengths in the telecommunication window (approximately 1.25–1.65 μ m) are ideal for
quantum communication due to low transmission loss in fiber networks. To realize quantum …
quantum communication due to low transmission loss in fiber networks. To realize quantum …
Observation of dressed states of distant atoms with delocalized photons in coupled-cavities quantum electrodynamics
In a cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED) system, where atoms coherently interact with
photons in a cavity, the eigenstates of the system are the superposition states of atoms and …
photons in a cavity, the eigenstates of the system are the superposition states of atoms and …
Coupling single atoms to a nanophotonic whispering-gallery-mode resonator via optical guiding
We demonstrate an efficient optical guiding technique for coupling cold atoms in the near
field of a planar nanophotonic circuit, and realize large atom-photon coupling to a …
field of a planar nanophotonic circuit, and realize large atom-photon coupling to a …
Real-time observation of single atoms trapped and interfaced to a nanofiber cavity
We demonstrate efficient interfacing of individually trapped single atoms to a nanofiber
cavity. The cavity is formed by fabricating photonic crystal structures directly on the nanofiber …
cavity. The cavity is formed by fabricating photonic crystal structures directly on the nanofiber …
Emergence of second-order coherence in superfluorescence
We experimentally investigate the second-order quantum coherence function of a
superradiant burst in a cascaded quantum system. We chirally (ie direction-dependently) …
superradiant burst in a cascaded quantum system. We chirally (ie direction-dependently) …