Reproductive effects of arteriviruses: equine arteritis virus and porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus infections
Equine arteritis virus (EAV) and porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus
(PRRSV) are the most economically important members of the family Arteriviridae. EAV and …
(PRRSV) are the most economically important members of the family Arteriviridae. EAV and …
Equine viral arteritis: a respiratory and reproductive disease of significant economic importance to the equine industry
Equine arteritis virus is the causative agent of equine viral arteritis, a respiratory and
reproductive disease that affects the members of the family Equidae. The virus was first …
reproductive disease that affects the members of the family Equidae. The virus was first …
Vaccination against gonadotropin-releasing factor (GnRF) with Bopriva significantly decreases testicular development, serum testosterone levels and physical activity …
F Janett, T Gerig, AC Tschuor, S Amatayakul-Chantler… - Theriogenology, 2012 - Elsevier
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of vaccination against gonadotropin-
releasing factor (GnRF) on testicular development, testosterone secretion, and physical …
releasing factor (GnRF) on testicular development, testosterone secretion, and physical …
Suppression of testicular function and sexual behavior by vaccination against GnRH (Equity™) in the adult stallion
F Janett, R Stump, D Burger, R Thun - Animal reproduction science, 2009 - Elsevier
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of an anti-GnRH vaccine on testosterone
concentration, antibody titer, scrotal width, semen quality and sexual behavior in the stallion …
concentration, antibody titer, scrotal width, semen quality and sexual behavior in the stallion …
Immunocontraception for animals: current status and future perspective
RK Naz, AE Saver - American Journal of Reproductive …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
An alternative to surgical sterilization for fertility control of animals (wild, zoo, farm, and
domestic) is needed to prevent problems related to overpopulation, including culling and …
domestic) is needed to prevent problems related to overpopulation, including culling and …
Effect of vaccination against gonadotropin-releasing factor (GnRF) with Bopriva® in the prepubertal bull calf
F Janett, T Gerig, AC Tschuor… - Animal Reproduction …, 2012 - Elsevier
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of immunization against gonadotropin-
releasing factor (GnRF) with Bopriva®(Pfizer Animal Health, Parkville, Australia) in …
releasing factor (GnRF) with Bopriva®(Pfizer Animal Health, Parkville, Australia) in …
Reversible Contraception in Males: An Obtainable Target?
Simple Summary Historically, birth control has been geared toward targeting and
subsequently reducing female fertility. The cost of unplanned pregnancies is significant, both …
subsequently reducing female fertility. The cost of unplanned pregnancies is significant, both …
Immunocontraception of male and female giraffes using the GnRH vaccine Improvac®
F Schwarzenberger, P Krawinkel, SM Jeserschek… - Zoo …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
The aim of this study was to develop protocols for contraception in both sexes of giraffes
(Giraffa camelopardalis) by using the GnRH vaccine Improvac®. We evaluated the success …
(Giraffa camelopardalis) by using the GnRH vaccine Improvac®. We evaluated the success …
The use of a GnRH vaccine to suppress mare ovarian activity in a large group of mares under field conditions
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of active immunisation against GnRH on
ovarian activity and serum progesterone concentrations in a large group of mares (10 …
ovarian activity and serum progesterone concentrations in a large group of mares (10 …
Vaccination against GnRH may suppress aggressive behaviour and musth in African elephant (Loxodonta africana) bulls - a pilot study
HM De Nys, HJ Bertschinger, JA Turkstra… - Journal of the South …, 2010 - journals.co.za
Aggressive behaviour and musth are constant problems in captive and sometimes in free-
ranging African elephant bulls. Aggressive bulls are difficult and musth bulls almost …
ranging African elephant bulls. Aggressive bulls are difficult and musth bulls almost …