[HTML][HTML] Anthropometric, cognitive, and schooling benefits of measles vaccination: Longitudinal cohort analysis in Ethiopia, India, and Vietnam
Objective To estimate the associations between measles vaccination and child
anthropometry, cognition, and schooling outcomes in Ethiopia, India, and Vietnam. Methods …
anthropometry, cognition, and schooling outcomes in Ethiopia, India, and Vietnam. Methods …
Are socioeconomic status and type of residence critical risk factors of under-five mortality in Pakistan? Evidence from nationally representative survey
Introduction Pakistan depicts the highest mortality rate (75/1000) among under-five children
in South Asia, followed by Afghanistan (68/1000) in 2017. This paper analyzes the impacts …
in South Asia, followed by Afghanistan (68/1000) in 2017. This paper analyzes the impacts …
Factors associated with vaccination compliance in Southeast Asian children: a systematic review
Although vaccination coverage has reached a peak of 86% globally, around 19.9 million
infants and children are yet to receive routine vaccinations—with Asia holding the highest …
infants and children are yet to receive routine vaccinations—with Asia holding the highest …
Characterization of immunization secondary analyses using demographic and health surveys (DHS) and multiple indicator cluster surveys (MICS), 2006–2018
Y Huang, MC Danovaro-Holliday - BMC Public Health, 2021 - Springer
Background Infant immunization coverage worldwide has plateaued at about 85%. Using
existing survey data to conduct analyses beyond estimating coverage may help …
existing survey data to conduct analyses beyond estimating coverage may help …
Associating measles vaccine uptake classification and its underlying factors using an ensemble of machine learning models
Measles is one of the significant public health issues responsible for the high mortality rate
around the globe, especially for develo** countries. Using nationally representative …
around the globe, especially for develo** countries. Using nationally representative …
Factors associated with measles vaccination status in children under the age of three years in a post-soviet context: a cross-sectional study using the DHS VII in …
Background The resurgence of measles globally and the increasing number of
unvaccinated clusters call for studies exploring factors that influence measles vaccination …
unvaccinated clusters call for studies exploring factors that influence measles vaccination …
Mind the Gap: What explains the education-related inequality in missed opportunities for vaccination in sub-Saharan Africa? Compositional and structural …
Missed opportunities for vaccination (MOV) is an important barrier hindering full
immunisation coverage among eligible children. Though factors responsible for MOV are …
immunisation coverage among eligible children. Though factors responsible for MOV are …
Impact of health system strengthening on delivery strategies to improve child immunisation coverage and inequalities in rural Madagascar
Background To reach global immunisation goals, national programmes need to balance
routine immunisation at health facilities with vaccination campaigns and other outreach …
routine immunisation at health facilities with vaccination campaigns and other outreach …
Immunization in Vietnam
Abstract Since the Expanded Program on Immunization was proposed by the World Health
Organization in 1981, it has been promptly adopted by Vietnam as one of the country's …
Organization in 1981, it has been promptly adopted by Vietnam as one of the country's …
Estimating child mortality at the sub-national level in Papua New Guinea: evidence from the integrated health and demographic surveillance system
Background Child mortality is an important indication of an effective public health system.
Data sources available for the estimation of child mortality in Papua New Guinea (PNG) are …
Data sources available for the estimation of child mortality in Papua New Guinea (PNG) are …