Option pricing under a double exponential jump diffusion model
SG Kou, H Wang - Management science, 2004 - pubsonline.informs.org
Analytical tractability is one of the challenges faced by many alternative models that try to
generalize the Black-Scholes option pricing model to incorporate more empirical features …
generalize the Black-Scholes option pricing model to incorporate more empirical features …
The statistical and economic role of jumps in continuous‐time interest rate models
M Johannes - The Journal of finance, 2004 - Wiley Online Library
This paper analyzes the role of jumps in continuous‐time short rate models. I first develop a
test to detect jump‐induced misspecification and, using Treasury bill rates, find evidence for …
test to detect jump‐induced misspecification and, using Treasury bill rates, find evidence for …
The surprise element: jumps in interest rates
SR Das - Journal of Econometrics, 2002 - Elsevier
That information surprises result in discontinuous interest rates is no surprise to participants
in the bond markets. We develop a class of Poisson–Gaussian models of the Fed Funds rate …
in the bond markets. We develop a class of Poisson–Gaussian models of the Fed Funds rate …
[PDF][PDF] Option pricing by transform methods: extensions, unification and error control
RW Lee - Journal of Computational Finance, 2004 - researchgate.net
We extend and unify Fourier-analytic methods for pricing a wide class of options on any
underlying state variable whose characteristic function is known. In this general setting, we …
underlying state variable whose characteristic function is known. In this general setting, we …
Empirical dynamic asset pricing: model specification and econometric assessment
KJ Singleton - Empirical Dynamic Asset Pricing, 2009 - degruyter.com
Written by one of the leading experts in the field, this book focuses on the interplay between
model specification, data collection, and econometric testing of dynamic asset pricing …
model specification, data collection, and econometric testing of dynamic asset pricing …
Nonparametric specification testing for continuous-time models with applications to term structure of interest rates
Y Hong, H Li - The Review of Financial Studies, 2005 - academic.oup.com
We develop a nonparametric specification test for continuous-time models using the
transition density. Using a data transform and correcting for the boundary bias of kernel …
transition density. Using a data transform and correcting for the boundary bias of kernel …
Term structure dynamics in theory and reality
Q Dai, K Singleton - The Review of financial studies, 2003 - academic.oup.com
This article is a critical survey of models designed for pricing fixed-income securities and
their associated term structures of market yields. Our primary focus is on the interplay …
their associated term structures of market yields. Our primary focus is on the interplay …
Spectral GMM estimation of continuous-time processes
This paper derives a methodology for the estimation of continuous-time stochastic models
based on the characteristic function. The estimation method does not require discretization …
based on the characteristic function. The estimation method does not require discretization …
Robust portfolio rules and detection-error probabilities for a mean-reverting risk premium
PJ Maenhout - Journal of Economic Theory, 2006 - Elsevier
I analyze the optimal intertemporal portfolio problem of an investor who worries about model
misspecification and insists on robust decision rules when facing a mean-reverting risk …
misspecification and insists on robust decision rules when facing a mean-reverting risk …
When uncertainty blows in the orchard: Comovement and equilibrium volatility risk premia
We provide novel evidence for an equilibrium link between investors' disagreement, the
market price of volatility and correlation, and the differential pricing of index and individual …
market price of volatility and correlation, and the differential pricing of index and individual …