Semidefinite programming relaxations for quantum correlations
Semidefinite programs are convex optimization problems involving a linear objective
function and a domain of positive-semidefinite matrices. Over the past two decades, they …
function and a domain of positive-semidefinite matrices. Over the past two decades, they …
Experimental progress on quantum coherence: detection, quantification, and manipulation
Quantum coherence is a fundamental property of quantum systems, separating quantum
from classical physics. Recently, there has been significant interest in the characterization of …
from classical physics. Recently, there has been significant interest in the characterization of …
Operational advantage of quantum resources in subchannel discrimination
One of the central problems in the study of quantum resource theories is to provide a given
resource with an operational meaning, characterizing physical tasks in which the resource …
resource with an operational meaning, characterizing physical tasks in which the resource …
Exact solution for the quantum and private capacities of bosonic dephasing channels
The capacities of noisy quantum channels capture the ultimate rates of information
transmission across quantum communication lines, and the quantum capacity plays a key …
transmission across quantum communication lines, and the quantum capacity plays a key …
Deterministic coherence distillation
Coherence distillation is one of the central problems in the resource theory of coherence. In
this Letter, we complete the deterministic distillation of quantum coherence for a finite …
this Letter, we complete the deterministic distillation of quantum coherence for a finite …
One-shot coherence distillation: Towards completing the picture
The resource framework of quantum coherence was introduced by Baumgratz, Cramer, and
Plenio [Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 140401 (2014)] and further developed by Winter and Yang …
Plenio [Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 140401 (2014)] and further developed by Winter and Yang …
Tight constraints on probabilistic convertibility of quantum states
Tight constraints on probabilistic convertibility of quantum states – Quantum Skip to content
Quantum the open journal for quantum science Menu Papers Perspectives Instructions For …
Quantum the open journal for quantum science Menu Papers Perspectives Instructions For …
Quantifying coherence with respect to general quantum measurements
Coherence is a cornerstone of quantum theory and a prerequisite for the advantage of
quantum technologies. In recent work, the notion of coherence with respect to a general …
quantum technologies. In recent work, the notion of coherence with respect to a general …
No-go theorem for entanglement distillation using catalysis
The use of ancillary quantum systems known as catalysts is known to be able to enhance
the capabilities of entanglement transformations under local operations and classical …
the capabilities of entanglement transformations under local operations and classical …
Coherence distillation machines are impossible in quantum thermodynamics
The role of coherence in quantum thermodynamics has been extensively studied in the
recent years and it is now well-understood that coherence between different energy …
recent years and it is now well-understood that coherence between different energy …