Multi-agent performative prediction: From global stability and optimality to chaos
The recent framework of performative prediction [Perdomo et al. 2020] is aimed at capturing
settings where predictions influence the outcome they want to predict. In this paper, we …
settings where predictions influence the outcome they want to predict. In this paper, we …
Vortices instead of equilibria in minmax optimization: Chaos and butterfly effects of online learning in zero-sum games
We establish that algorithmic experiments in zero-sum games “fail miserably” to confirm the
unique, sharp prediction of maxmin equilibration. Contradicting nearly a century of economic …
unique, sharp prediction of maxmin equilibration. Contradicting nearly a century of economic …
Chaos, extremism and optimism: Volume analysis of learning in games
We perform volume analysis of Multiplicative Weights Updates (MWU) and its optimistic
variant (OMWU) in zero-sum as well as coordination games. Our analysis provides new …
variant (OMWU) in zero-sum as well as coordination games. Our analysis provides new …
Learning in matrix games can be arbitrarily complex
Many multi-agent systems with strategic interactions have their desired functionality
encoded as the Nash equilibrium of a game, eg machine learning architectures such as …
encoded as the Nash equilibrium of a game, eg machine learning architectures such as …
Matrix multiplicative weights updates in quantum zero-sum games: Conservation laws & recurrence
Recent advances in quantum computing and in particular, the introduction of quantum
GANs, have led to increased interest in quantum zero-sum game theory, extending the …
GANs, have led to increased interest in quantum zero-sum game theory, extending the …
The dynamics of q-learning in population games: A physics-inspired continuity equation model
Online learning in periodic zero-sum games
A seminal result in game theory is von Neumann's minmax theorem, which states that zero-
sum games admit an essentially unique equilibrium solution. Classical learning results build …
sum games admit an essentially unique equilibrium solution. Classical learning results build …
Hypergraph-Based Model for Modelling Multi-agent Q-Learning Dynamics in Public Goods Games
Modeling the learning dynamic of multi-agent systems has long been a crucial issue for
understanding the emergence of collective behavior. In public goods games, agents interact …
understanding the emergence of collective behavior. In public goods games, agents interact …