Frontiers in multidimensional self-trap** of nonlinear fields and matter

YV Kartashov, GE Astrakharchik, BA Malomed… - Nature Reviews …, 2019 -
Abstract 2D and 3D solitons and related states, such as quantum droplets, can appear in
optical systems, atomic Bose–Einstein condensates (BECs) and liquid crystals, among other …

Exciton–polariton condensates

T Byrnes, NY Kim, Y Yamamoto - Nature Physics, 2014 -
Recently a new type of system exhibiting spontaneous coherence has emerged—the
exciton–polariton condensate. Exciton–polaritons (or polaritons for short) are bosonic …

Polariton Bose–Einstein condensate from a bound state in the continuum

V Ardizzone, F Riminucci, S Zanotti, A Gianfrate… - Nature, 2022 -
Bound states in the continuum (BICs),–are peculiar topological states that, when realized in
a planar photonic crystal lattice, are symmetry-protected from radiating in the far field despite …

Halide perovskites enable polaritonic XY spin Hamiltonian at room temperature

R Tao, K Peng, L Haeberlé, Q Li, D **, GR Fleming… - Nature Materials, 2022 -
Exciton polaritons, the part-light and part-matter quasiparticles in semiconductor optical
cavities, are promising for exploring Bose–Einstein condensation, non-equilibrium many …

Strong light–matter coupling in two-dimensional atomic crystals

X Liu, T Galfsky, Z Sun, F **a, E Lin, YH Lee… - Nature …, 2015 -
Two-dimensional atomic crystals of graphene, as well as transition-metal dichalcogenides,
have emerged as a class of materials that demonstrate strong interaction with light. This …

Room-temperature superfluidity in a polariton condensate

G Lerario, A Fieramosca, F Barachati, D Ballarini… - Nature Physics, 2017 -
Superfluidity—the suppression of scattering in a quantum fluid at velocities below a critical
value—is one of the most striking manifestations of the collective behaviour typical of Bose …

Room-temperature Bose–Einstein condensation of cavity exciton–polaritons in a polymer

JD Plumhof, T Stöferle, L Mai, U Scherf, RF Mahrt - Nature materials, 2014 -
Abstract A Bose–Einstein condensate (BEC) is a state of matter in which extensive collective
coherence leads to intriguing macroscopic quantum phenomena. In crystalline …

Quantum fluids of light

I Carusotto, C Ciuti - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2013 - APS
This article reviews recent theoretical and experimental advances in the fundamental
understanding and active control of quantum fluids of light in nonlinear optical systems. In …

Room-temperature polariton quantum fluids in halide perovskites

K Peng, R Tao, L Haeberlé, Q Li, D **… - Nature …, 2022 -
Quantum fluids exhibit quantum mechanical effects at the macroscopic level, which contrast
strongly with classical fluids. Gain-dissipative solid-state exciton-polaritons systems are …

Nonlinear interactions in an organic polariton condensate

KS Daskalakis, SA Maier, R Murray, S Kéna-Cohen - Nature materials, 2014 -
Under the right conditions, cavity polaritons form a macroscopic condensate in the ground
state. The fascinating nonlinear behaviour of this condensate is largely dictated by the …