[PDF][PDF] Social collaboration analytics for enterprise social software: A literature review

F Schwade, P Schubert - practice, 2018 - academia.edu
Over the last years, research on benefits and success measurement of Enterprise Social
Software (ESS) has gained momentum. Literature reviews in this topic area discuss methods …

Social collaboration analytics for enterprise collaboration systems: Providing business intelligence on collaboration activities

F Schwade, P Schubert - 2017 - aisel.aisnet.org
The success of public Social Media has led to the emergence of Enterprise Social Software
(ESS), a new type of collaboration software for organizations that incorporates “social …

Measurement and management of competences by enterprise social networking

A Sardi, P Garengo, U Bititci - International Journal of Productivity and …, 2019 - emerald.com
Purpose Literature describes the transformation process of employees' individual
competences into firm-specific competences as a great challenge in the performance …

Social network of business objects (SoNBO): An innovative concept for information integration in enterprise systems

B Gewehr, B Gebel-Sauer, P Schubert - Procedia computer science, 2017 - Elsevier
This paper describes an innovative approach for information integration, which was
successfully implemented and evaluated in a pilot company. This new form of information …

[PDF][PDF] A Survey on the Status Quo of Social Collaboration Analytics in Practice.

F Schwade, P Schubert - ECIS, 2018 - researchgate.net
This paper aims to identify and document the status quo and the perceived barriers of Social
Collaboration Analytics in practice. The study is part of a publicly funded longitudinal …

Soziale Medien in der internen Organisationskommunikation

C Herzog, A Richter, J Hacker - Handbuch Soziale Medien, 2023 - Springer
Aufgrund des großen Erfolges von sozialen Medien im privaten Umfeld beschäftigen sich
auch Organisationen zunehmend mit dem Potenzial sogenannter Enterprise Social …

[PDF][PDF] Social Collaboration Analytics: A Framework for Measuring Collaboration Activities in Enterprise Collaboration Systems

F Schwade - 2021 - uko.opus.hbz-nrw.de
Abstract Enterprise Collaboration Systems (ECS) have become substantial for computer-
mediated communication and collaboration among employees in organisations. As ECS …

Entwicklung eines Social Collaboration Analytics Dashboard-Prototyps für Beiträge von UniConnect

SH Strüder - 2018 - kola.opus.hbz-nrw.de
Seit der vergangenen Dekade steigt die Nutzung von sogenannten Enterprise Collaboration
Systems (ECS) in Unternehmen. Diese versprechen sich mit der Einführung eines solchen …