[PDF][PDF] Social collaboration analytics for enterprise social software: A literature review
Over the last years, research on benefits and success measurement of Enterprise Social
Software (ESS) has gained momentum. Literature reviews in this topic area discuss methods …
Software (ESS) has gained momentum. Literature reviews in this topic area discuss methods …
Social collaboration analytics for enterprise collaboration systems: Providing business intelligence on collaboration activities
F Schwade, P Schubert - 2017 - aisel.aisnet.org
The success of public Social Media has led to the emergence of Enterprise Social Software
(ESS), a new type of collaboration software for organizations that incorporates “social …
(ESS), a new type of collaboration software for organizations that incorporates “social …
Measurement and management of competences by enterprise social networking
Purpose Literature describes the transformation process of employees' individual
competences into firm-specific competences as a great challenge in the performance …
competences into firm-specific competences as a great challenge in the performance …
Social network of business objects (SoNBO): An innovative concept for information integration in enterprise systems
This paper describes an innovative approach for information integration, which was
successfully implemented and evaluated in a pilot company. This new form of information …
successfully implemented and evaluated in a pilot company. This new form of information …
[PDF][PDF] A Survey on the Status Quo of Social Collaboration Analytics in Practice.
This paper aims to identify and document the status quo and the perceived barriers of Social
Collaboration Analytics in practice. The study is part of a publicly funded longitudinal …
Collaboration Analytics in practice. The study is part of a publicly funded longitudinal …
Soziale Medien in der internen Organisationskommunikation
Aufgrund des großen Erfolges von sozialen Medien im privaten Umfeld beschäftigen sich
auch Organisationen zunehmend mit dem Potenzial sogenannter Enterprise Social …
auch Organisationen zunehmend mit dem Potenzial sogenannter Enterprise Social …
[PDF][PDF] Social Collaboration Analytics: A Framework for Measuring Collaboration Activities in Enterprise Collaboration Systems
F Schwade - 2021 - uko.opus.hbz-nrw.de
Abstract Enterprise Collaboration Systems (ECS) have become substantial for computer-
mediated communication and collaboration among employees in organisations. As ECS …
mediated communication and collaboration among employees in organisations. As ECS …
Entwicklung eines Social Collaboration Analytics Dashboard-Prototyps für Beiträge von UniConnect
SH Strüder - 2018 - kola.opus.hbz-nrw.de
Seit der vergangenen Dekade steigt die Nutzung von sogenannten Enterprise Collaboration
Systems (ECS) in Unternehmen. Diese versprechen sich mit der Einführung eines solchen …
Systems (ECS) in Unternehmen. Diese versprechen sich mit der Einführung eines solchen …