Interacting topological insulators: a review
S Rachel - Reports on Progress in Physics, 2018 -
The discovery of the quantum spin Hall effect and topological insulators more than a decade
ago has revolutionized modern condensed matter physics. Today, the field of topological …
ago has revolutionized modern condensed matter physics. Today, the field of topological …
Topological flat band models and fractional Chern insulators
Topological insulators and their intriguing edge states can be understood in a single-particle
picture and can as such be exhaustively classified. Interactions significantly complicate this …
picture and can as such be exhaustively classified. Interactions significantly complicate this …
Composite Fermi Liquid at Zero Magnetic Field in Twisted
The pursuit of exotic phases of matter outside of the extreme conditions of a quantizing
magnetic field is a long-standing quest of solid state physics. Recent experiments have …
magnetic field is a long-standing quest of solid state physics. Recent experiments have …
Exact landau level description of geometry and interaction in a flatband
Flatbands appear in many condensed matter systems, including the two-dimensional
electron gas in a high magnetic field, correlated materials, and moiré heterostructures. They …
electron gas in a high magnetic field, correlated materials, and moiré heterostructures. They …
Fractional Chern insulators versus nonmagnetic states in twisted bilayer
Fractionally filled Chern bands with strong interactions may give rise to fractional Chern
insulator (FCI) states, the zero-field analog of the fractional quantum Hall effect. Recent …
insulator (FCI) states, the zero-field analog of the fractional quantum Hall effect. Recent …
Chern bands of twisted bilayer graphene: Fractional Chern insulators and spin phase transition
When one of the graphene layers of magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene is nearly aligned
with its hexagonal boron nitride substrate (a configuration dubbed TBG/hBN), the active …
with its hexagonal boron nitride substrate (a configuration dubbed TBG/hBN), the active …
Particle-hole duality, emergent fermi liquids, and fractional chern insulators in moiré flatbands
Moiré flatbands, occurring, eg, in twisted bilayer graphene at magic angles, have attracted
ample interest due to their high degree of experimental tunability and the intriguing …
ample interest due to their high degree of experimental tunability and the intriguing …
Fractional quantum Hall physics in topological flat bands
We present a pedagogical review of the physics of fractional Chern insulators with a
particular focus on the connection to the fractional quantum Hall effect. While the latter …
particular focus on the connection to the fractional quantum Hall effect. While the latter …
Origin of model fractional Chern insulators in all topological ideal flatbands: Explicit color-entangled wave function and exact density algebra
It is commonly believed that nonuniform Berry curvature destroys the Girvin-MacDonald-
Platzman algebra and as a consequence destabilizes fractional Chern insulators. In this …
Platzman algebra and as a consequence destabilizes fractional Chern insulators. In this …
Non-Abelian fractional quantum anomalous Hall states and first Landau level physics of the second moiré band of twisted bilayer
Utilizing the realistic continuum description of twisted bilayer MoTe 2 and many-body exact
diagonalization calculation, we establish that the second moiré band of twisted bilayer MoTe …
diagonalization calculation, we establish that the second moiré band of twisted bilayer MoTe …