Visual design thinking: a collaborative dimensions framework to profile visualisations
S Bresciani - Design Studies, 2019 - Elsevier
Highlights•Design Thinking is heavily based on visual practices.•Visualisations utilised for
Design Thinking have different affordances.•A Collaborative Dimensions of Visualisation …
Design Thinking have different affordances.•A Collaborative Dimensions of Visualisation …
[PDF][PDF] Contracts as interfaces: exploring visual representation patterns in contract design
H Haapio, S Passera - … University Press. Published ahead of print …, 2017 - aaltodoc.aalto.fi
Research problem: Business-to-business contracts are complex communication artifacts,
often considered “legal stuff” and the exclusive domain of lawyers. However, many other …
often considered “legal stuff” and the exclusive domain of lawyers. However, many other …
Model for devising visual management systems on construction sites
Visual management (VM) is a strategy for information management that is widely used in the
manufacturing industry, which is strongly related to increasing process transparency, one of …
manufacturing industry, which is strongly related to increasing process transparency, one of …
Data integration: A real-time, participant-driven, and visually supported method
We introduce a method in which instant data visualization facilitates real-time data
integration and involves participants in data interpretation. The results of quantitative …
integration and involves participants in data interpretation. The results of quantitative …
[PDF][PDF] Visual management: preliminary results of a systematic literature review on core concepts and principles
Visual management (VM) is one of the core categories of practices of Lean Production
systems, providing the foundation for other improvement approaches to be implemented …
systems, providing the foundation for other improvement approaches to be implemented …
Facilitating culturally diverse groups with visual templates in collaborative systems: Increasing structuration to improve precision
Purpose The use of visual templates has proven instrumental in supporting group meetings.
The purpose of this paper is to explore whether visual templates enable culturally diverse …
The purpose of this paper is to explore whether visual templates enable culturally diverse …
[PDF][PDF] Knowledge visualization: critique of the St. Gallen School and an analysis of contemporary trends
Based on our analysis of the literature, we demonstrate that the major trend in information
processing is focus on knowledge representation based on data, not data as such. The …
processing is focus on knowledge representation based on data, not data as such. The …
Визуализация знаний: критика Сент-Галленской школы и анализ современных трендов
ТА Гаврилова, АИ Алсуфьев… - Бизнес-информатика, 2017 - cyberleninka.ru
Целью данной статьи является анализ ведущих европейских исследований в области
визуализации знаний с точки зрения накопленной теоретической базы, практики …
визуализации знаний с точки зрения накопленной теоретической базы, практики …
A visual approach for develo** social enterprises
The emerging interest in social entrepreneurship is challenged in practice by the complexity
of balancing economic and social aspects, and by the difficulties of getting the public to …
of balancing economic and social aspects, and by the difficulties of getting the public to …
Knowledge visualization as a new discipline: Swiss bias
Knowledge visualization (KV) has drawn the attention of the research community in recent
years because of its significant potential in assisting managers to reduce complexity and …
years because of its significant potential in assisting managers to reduce complexity and …