A genetic algorithm enabled ensemble for unsupervised medical term extraction from clinical letters

W Liu, BC Chung, R Wang, J Ng, N Morlet - Health information science …, 2015 - Springer
Despite the rapid global movement towards electronic health records, clinical letters written
in unstructured natural languages are still the preferred form of inter-practitioner …


K Gupta - English Grammar Speech & Styles - wisdompress.co.in
The world of language is a tapestry made of a wide variety of linguistic components, each of
which adds to its depth and richness. This essay explores a particular aspect of language …

Development of an automatic extractor of medical term candidates with linguistic techniques for Spanish

W Koza, MJ Ojeda, M Muñoz, S Koza… - … on Informatics & …, 2013 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
An automatic method to extract term candidates from the medical field by applying linguistic
techniques is presented. Semantic, morphological and syntactic rules were used to develop …

Um modelo híbrido de mineração de dados para suspeita diagnóstica relacionada a síndromes demenciais

LB Moreira - 2016 - bdtd.uerj.br
A criação de sistemas computacionais inteligentes tem sido um dos desafios tecnológicos
mais ambiciosos e controversos de nossa era. Podem ser destacados os sistemas de …

[PDF][PDF] Комбинирование признаКов для извлечения однословных терминов

Н МА, ЕИ Большакова, НВ Лукашевич - academia.edu
The paper describes experiments on automatic single-word term extraction based on
combining various features of words, mainly linguistic and statistical, by machine learning …