[HTML][HTML] Inter-rater and intra-rater reliability test with Goodenough-Harris Drawing Test

M Tarigan, F Fadillah - The Open Psychology Journal, 2022 - openpsychologyjournal.com
Methods: Drawings of 799 children (kindegarten/4 to 6 yo= 412, primary school/7 to 9 yo=
387; boys= 388, girls= 411) were examined to investigate inter-rater and intra-rater reliability …

The Relationship between Motor Skills and Language Performance in Mentally Retarded Children

E Hemmati, F Taaki, A Aghaz… - Journal of Pediatric …, 2023 - ijp.mums.ac.ir
Background: The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between motor skills
and language skills in mentally retarded children. The secondary purpose of this study was …

Art therapy to control nail biting using a cognitive behavioral approach through new innovative game and animation

SM Shabanı, F Darabi, A Azimi, N Nejaddagar… - Discover Mental …, 2024 - Springer
Background Nail biting is categorized as a habitual behavior, commonly observed in
children and occasionally in adults. This disorder occurs unconsciously, with individuals …

[PDF][PDF] Effect of the Age and Gender on the Reliability of Draw-a-Person Test

O Rakhmanov, S Dane - Journal Of Research In Medical And …, 2020 - researchgate.net
ABSTRACT Introduction: Draw-a-Person test (DAPT) continues to be one of top 10 tools
used by practitioners in the education and psychology field. There are several studies on the …

[PDF][PDF] DiscoverMental Health

SM Shabanı, F Darabi, A Azimi, N Nejaddagar, K Vaziri… - 2024 - openaccess.iku.edu.tr
Background Nail biting is categorized as a habitual behavior, commonly observed in
children and occasionally in adults. This disorder occurs unconsciously, with individuals …

Age detection using clustering algorithms from children's drawings

M Mezati, I Aouria - Studies in Engineering and …, 2024 - ojs.studiespublicacoes.com.br
Age detection from children's drawings is an innovative approach to understanding
developmental milestones through visual analysis. Traditional methods for determining a …

Revisión historica de la técnica del dibujo de la figura humana

REM Valdez, G Navarro-Contreras… - TALINCREA …, 2022 - talincrea.cucs.udg.mx
Con distintos nombres y formas de aplicación, el dibujo de la figura humana (DFH) es una
herramienta frecuentemente utilizada en el campo de la evaluación psicológica, tanto en …

İlk okuma yazma öğretiminde görsel hikayeli heceler yönteminin etkililiği (Yeni bir model önerisi)

A Sönmez - 2022 - search.proquest.com
Bu çalışmada, 2019 yılında tüm dünyayı etkisi altına alan Covid-19 Pandemisi sürecinde ilk
okuma-yazma öğretimine yönelik geliştirilen ve önerilen Görsel Hikayeli Heceler ile Okuma …

Automated Non-verbal Child Intelligent Assessment Tool

KPD Madushanka, UGN Hasaranga… - … on Advancements in …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The intelligent assessment tool is very important to identify children with disorders and
children having poor IQ level. Though there are many application and research done by …

Índice de función psicológica en preescolares de distintos estratos socioeconómicos: un estudio piloto

ÁAP Lagunes, MEYB Torres… - Ciencia Latina …, 2022 - ciencialatina.org
Introducción: Durante los primeros cinco años de vida, el cerebro en desarrollo es más
sensible a la estimulación, crianza y otros factores que pueden intervenir positiva y …