Benevolent and hostile sexism in a shifting global context
The theory of and research on ambivalent sexism—which encompasses both attitudes that
are overtly negative (hostile sexism) and those that seem subjectively positive but are …
are overtly negative (hostile sexism) and those that seem subjectively positive but are …
Modern attitudes toward older adults in the aging world: a cross-cultural meta-analysis.
Prevailing beliefs suggest that Eastern cultures hold older adults in higher esteem than
Western cultures do, due to stronger collectivist traditions of filial piety. However, in modern …
Western cultures do, due to stronger collectivist traditions of filial piety. However, in modern …
A multi-level framework of inclusive leadership in organizations
Following an explosion of research on inclusion and inclusive climates in an organizational
context has been a growing interest in inclusive leadership. Questions about how diversity …
context has been a growing interest in inclusive leadership. Questions about how diversity …
Navigating the social world: Toward an integrated framework for evaluating self, individuals, and groups.
Social evaluation occurs at personal, interpersonal, group, and intergroup levels, with
competing theories and evidence. Five models engage in adversarial collaboration, to …
competing theories and evidence. Five models engage in adversarial collaboration, to …
The participation of people with disabilities in the workplace across the employment cycle: Employer concerns and research evidence
Despite legislation on diversity in the workplace, people with disabilities still do not
experience the same access to work opportunities as do their counterparts without …
experience the same access to work opportunities as do their counterparts without …
Stereotype content: Warmth and competence endure
ST Fiske - Current directions in psychological science, 2018 - journals.sagepub.com
Two dimensions persist in social cognition when people are making sense of individuals or
groups. The stereotype content model (SCM) terms these two basic dimensions perceived …
groups. The stereotype content model (SCM) terms these two basic dimensions perceived …
Mitigating language-dependent ethnic bias in BERT
BERT and other large-scale language models (LMs) contain gender and racial bias. They
also exhibit other dimensions of social bias, most of which have not been studied in depth …
also exhibit other dimensions of social bias, most of which have not been studied in depth …
Perceived organizational support and affective organizational commitment: Moderating influence of perceived organizational competence
Perceived organizational support (POS), involving employees' perception that the
organization values their contributions and cares about their well‐being, has been found to …
organization values their contributions and cares about their well‐being, has been found to …
What satisfies younger versus older employees, and why? An aging perspective on equity theory to explain interactive effects of employee age, monetary rewards …
In light of increasingly age‐diverse workforces, organizations face the challenge of fostering
job satisfaction among both younger and older employees. Combining equity theory with an …
job satisfaction among both younger and older employees. Combining equity theory with an …
Dancing backwards in high heels: Female professors experience more work demands and special favor requests, particularly from academically entitled students
A El-Alayli, AA Hansen-Brown, M Ceynar - Sex roles, 2018 - Springer
Although the number of US female professors has risen steadily in recent years, female
professors are still subject to different student expectations and treatment. Students continue …
professors are still subject to different student expectations and treatment. Students continue …