A novel eDNA approach for rare species monitoring: Application of long-read shotgun sequencing to Lynx rufus soil pawprints
Environmental DNA (eDNA) sampling is a relatively new technique that has been employed
in biodiversity surveys around the world. Environmental DNA can be an effective, non …
in biodiversity surveys around the world. Environmental DNA can be an effective, non …
Reference genome for the California ribbed mussel, Mytilus californianus, an ecosystem engineer
Abstract The California ribbed mussel, Mytilus californianus, is an ecosystem engineer
crucial for the survival of many marine species inhabiting the intertidal zone of California …
crucial for the survival of many marine species inhabiting the intertidal zone of California …
A genome assembly of the Yuma myotis bat, Myotis yumanensis
Abstract The Yuma myotis bat (Myotis yumanensis) is a small vespertilionid bat and one of
52 species of new world Myotis bats in the subgenus Pizonyx. While M. yumanensis …
52 species of new world Myotis bats in the subgenus Pizonyx. While M. yumanensis …
A chromosome-level reference genome for the giant pink sea star, Pisaster brevispinus, a species severely impacted by wasting
Efforts to protect the ecologically and economically significant California Current Ecosystem
from global change will greatly benefit from data about patterns of local adaptation and …
from global change will greatly benefit from data about patterns of local adaptation and …
Reference Genome of the Black Surfperch, Embiotoca jacksoni (Embiotocidae, Perciformes), a California Kelp Forest Fish That Lacks a Pelagic Larval Stage
Abstract Surfperches (Family Embiotocidae) are viviparous temperate reef fishes that brood
their young. This life history trait translates into limited dispersal, strong population structure …
their young. This life history trait translates into limited dispersal, strong population structure …
Remarkably high repeat content in the genomes of sparrows: the importance of genome assembly completeness for transposable element discovery
Transposable elements (TE) play critical roles in sha** genome evolution. Highly
repetitive TE sequences are also a major source of assembly gaps making it difficult to fully …
repetitive TE sequences are also a major source of assembly gaps making it difficult to fully …
Remarkably high repeat content in the genomes of sparrows: the importance of genome assembly completeness for transposable element discovery
Transposable elements (TE) play critical roles in sha** genome evolution. However, the
highly repetitive sequence content of TEs is a major source of assembly gaps. This makes it …
highly repetitive sequence content of TEs is a major source of assembly gaps. This makes it …