Comparison of vertebrate skin structure at class level: A review
The skin is a barrier between the internal and external environment of an organism.
Depending on the species, it participates in multiple functions. The skin is the organ that …
Depending on the species, it participates in multiple functions. The skin is the organ that …
Aquaculture omics: An update on the current status of research and data analysis
Aquaculture is the fast-growing agricultural sector and has the ability to meet the growing
demand for protein nutritional security for future population. In future aquaculture is going to …
demand for protein nutritional security for future population. In future aquaculture is going to …
An economical custom-built drone for assessing whale health
Drones or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have huge potential to improve the safety and
efficiency of sample collection from wild animals under logistically challenging …
efficiency of sample collection from wild animals under logistically challenging …
Modeling of the coral microbiome: the influence of temperature and microbial network
Host-associated microbial communities are shaped by extrinsic and intrinsic factors to the
holobiont organism. Environmental factors and microbe-microbe interactions act …
holobiont organism. Environmental factors and microbe-microbe interactions act …
Characterization of the skin and gill microbiomes of the farmed seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) and seabream (Sparus aurata)
There is substantial evidence showing that the microbiome of teleosts plays a key role in
host health and wellbeing. Aquaculture practices increase the risk of dysbiosis (ie microbial …
host health and wellbeing. Aquaculture practices increase the risk of dysbiosis (ie microbial …
The skin microbiome of elasmobranchs follows phylosymbiosis, but in teleost fishes, the microbiomes converge
Background The vertebrate clade diverged into Chondrichthyes (sharks, rays, and chimeras)
and Osteichthyes fishes (bony fishes) approximately 420 mya, with each group …
and Osteichthyes fishes (bony fishes) approximately 420 mya, with each group …
Optimizing and evaluating the reconstruction of Metagenome-assembled microbial genomes
Background Microbiome/host interactions describe characteristics that affect the host's
health. Shotgun metagenomics includes sequencing a random subset of the microbiome to …
health. Shotgun metagenomics includes sequencing a random subset of the microbiome to …
Coral and seawater metagenomes reveal key microbial functions to coral health and ecosystem functioning shaped at reef scale
The coral holobiont is comprised of a highly diverse microbial community that provides key
services to corals such as protection against pathogens and nutrient cycling. The coral …
services to corals such as protection against pathogens and nutrient cycling. The coral …
Changes in diving behaviour and habitat use of provisioned whale sharks: implications for management
Whale shark (Rhincodon typus) tourism is increasingly popular at predictable aggregations
around the world, but only a few use provisioning to ensure close interactions …
around the world, but only a few use provisioning to ensure close interactions …
Elasmobranch microbiomes: emerging patterns and implications for host health and ecology
Elasmobranchs (sharks, skates and rays) are of broad ecological, economic, and societal
value. These globally important fishes are experiencing sharp population declines as a …
value. These globally important fishes are experiencing sharp population declines as a …