The changing face of bacterial soft-rot diseases
AO Charkowski - Annual review of phytopathology, 2018 -
Bacterial soft rot is a disease complex caused by multiple genera of gram-negative and
gram-positive bacteria, with Dickeya and Pectobacterium being the most widely studied soft …
gram-positive bacteria, with Dickeya and Pectobacterium being the most widely studied soft …
Plant cell wall integrity perturbations and priming for defense
A plant cell wall is a highly complex structure consisting of networks of polysaccharides,
proteins, and polyphenols that dynamically change during growth and development in …
proteins, and polyphenols that dynamically change during growth and development in …
Detection, identification and differentiation of Pectobacterium and Dickeya species causing potato blackleg and tuber soft rot: a review
The soft rot Enterobacteriaceae (SRE) Pectobacterium and Dickeya species (formerly
classified as pectinolytic Erwinia spp.) cause important diseases on potato and other arable …
classified as pectinolytic Erwinia spp.) cause important diseases on potato and other arable …
[PDF][PDF] Bacterial diseases of potato
Bacterial diseases are one of the most important biotic constraints of potato production,
especially in tropical and subtropical regions, and in some warm temperate regions of the …
especially in tropical and subtropical regions, and in some warm temperate regions of the …
Bacterial pectate lyases, structural and functional diversity
N Hugouvieux‐Cotte‐Pattat… - Environmental …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Pectate lyases are enzymes involved in plant cell wall degradation. They cleave pectin
using a β‐elimination mechanism, specific for acidic polysaccharides. They are mainly …
using a β‐elimination mechanism, specific for acidic polysaccharides. They are mainly …
Pathogenicity of and plant immunity to soft rot pectobacteria
PR Davidsson, T Kariola, O Niemi… - Frontiers in plant …, 2013 -
Soft rot pectobacteria are broad host range enterobacterial pathogens that cause disease on
a variety of plant species including the major crop potato. Pectobacteria are aggressive …
a variety of plant species including the major crop potato. Pectobacteria are aggressive …
Plant phenolic compounds and oxidative stress: integrated signals in fungal–plant interactions
Upon invasion of a host, fungal pathogens are exposed to a variety of stresses. Plants
release reactive oxygen species, and mount a variety of preformed and induced chemical …
release reactive oxygen species, and mount a variety of preformed and induced chemical …
Bacterial contact-dependent growth inhibition
Bacteria cooperate to form multicellular communities and compete against one another for
environmental resources. Here, we review recent advances in the understanding of bacterial …
environmental resources. Here, we review recent advances in the understanding of bacterial …
Regulation of Bacterial Growth and Behavior by Host Plant
Plants are associated with diverse bacteria in nature. Some bacteria are pathogens that
decrease plant fitness, and others are beneficial bacteria that promote plant growth and …
decrease plant fitness, and others are beneficial bacteria that promote plant growth and …
Microbiome and infectivity studies reveal complex polyspecies tree disease in Acute Oak Decline
S Denman, J Doonan, E Ransom-Jones… - The ISME …, 2018 -
Decline-diseases are complex and becoming increasingly problematic to tree health
globally. Acute Oak Decline (AOD) is characterized by necrotic stem lesions and galleries of …
globally. Acute Oak Decline (AOD) is characterized by necrotic stem lesions and galleries of …