Symbiotic dinoflagellate functional diversity mediates coral survival under ecological crisis
Coral reefs have entered an era of 'ecological crisis' as climate change drives catastrophic
reef loss worldwide. Coral growth and stress susceptibility are regulated by their …
reef loss worldwide. Coral growth and stress susceptibility are regulated by their …
Population genetics of reef coral endosymbionts (Symbiodinium, Dinophyceae)
Symbiodinium is a diverse genus of unicellular dinoflagellate symbionts associating with
various marine protists and invertebrates. Although the broadscale diversity and …
various marine protists and invertebrates. Although the broadscale diversity and …
Systematic revision of Symbiodiniaceae highlights the antiquity and diversity of coral endosymbionts
The advent of molecular data has transformed the science of organizing and studying life on
Earth. Genetics-based evidence provides fundamental insights into the diversity, ecology …
Earth. Genetics-based evidence provides fundamental insights into the diversity, ecology …
Considerations for maximizing the adaptive potential of restored coral populations in the western Atlantic
Active coral restoration typically involves two interventions: crossing gametes to facilitate
sexual larval propagation; and fragmenting, growing, and outplanting adult colonies to …
sexual larval propagation; and fragmenting, growing, and outplanting adult colonies to …
Building consensus around the assessment and interpretation of Symbiodiniaceae diversity
Dinoflagellates in the family Symbiodiniaceae occupy multiple ecological niches on tropical,
subtropical, and temperate reefs, ranging from species that are exclusively free-living to …
subtropical, and temperate reefs, ranging from species that are exclusively free-living to …
The diversity and ecology of Symbiodiniaceae: A traits-based review
Among the most successful microeukaryotes to form mutualisms with animals are
dinoflagellates in the family Symbiodiniaceae. These photosynthetic symbioses drive …
dinoflagellates in the family Symbiodiniaceae. These photosynthetic symbioses drive …
Gene Expression Variation Resolves Species and Individual Strains among Coral-Associated Dinoflagellates within the Genus Symbiodinium
Reef-building corals depend on symbiotic mutualisms with photosynthetic dinoflagellates in
the genus Symbiodinium. This large microalgal group comprises many highly divergent …
the genus Symbiodinium. This large microalgal group comprises many highly divergent …
Heritability of the Symbiodinium community in vertically- and horizontally-transmitting broadcast spawning corals
The dinoflagellate-coral partnership influences the coral holobiont's tolerance to thermal
stress and bleaching. However, the comparative roles of host genetic versus environmental …
stress and bleaching. However, the comparative roles of host genetic versus environmental …
Most Low-Abundance “Background” Symbiodinium spp. Are Transitory and Have Minimal Functional Significance for Symbiotic Corals
Speculation surrounds the importance of ecologically cryptic Symbiodinium
spp.(dinoflagellates) that occur at low abundances in reef-building corals and in the …
spp.(dinoflagellates) that occur at low abundances in reef-building corals and in the …
Symbiodinium glynnii sp. nov., a species of stress-tolerant symbiotic dinoflagellates from pocilloporid and montiporid corals in the Pacific Ocean
A formal Symbiodinium species taxonomy enhances understanding of the physiology and
ecology of coral–dinoflagellate symbioses. Here we formally define a new species of stress …
ecology of coral–dinoflagellate symbioses. Here we formally define a new species of stress …