Symbiotic dinoflagellate functional diversity mediates coral survival under ecological crisis

DJ Suggett, ME Warner, W Leggat - Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 2017 -
Coral reefs have entered an era of 'ecological crisis' as climate change drives catastrophic
reef loss worldwide. Coral growth and stress susceptibility are regulated by their …

Population genetics of reef coral endosymbionts (Symbiodinium, Dinophyceae)

DJ Thornhill, EJ Howells, DC Wham… - Molecular …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Symbiodinium is a diverse genus of unicellular dinoflagellate symbionts associating with
various marine protists and invertebrates. Although the broadscale diversity and …

Systematic revision of Symbiodiniaceae highlights the antiquity and diversity of coral endosymbionts

TC LaJeunesse, JE Parkinson, PW Gabrielson… - Current biology, 2018 -
The advent of molecular data has transformed the science of organizing and studying life on
Earth. Genetics-based evidence provides fundamental insights into the diversity, ecology …

Considerations for maximizing the adaptive potential of restored coral populations in the western Atlantic

IB Baums, AC Baker, SW Davies… - Ecological …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Active coral restoration typically involves two interventions: crossing gametes to facilitate
sexual larval propagation; and fragmenting, growing, and outplanting adult colonies to …

Building consensus around the assessment and interpretation of Symbiodiniaceae diversity

SW Davies, MH Gamache, LI Howe-Kerr, NG Kriefall… - PeerJ, 2023 -
Dinoflagellates in the family Symbiodiniaceae occupy multiple ecological niches on tropical,
subtropical, and temperate reefs, ranging from species that are exclusively free-living to …

The diversity and ecology of Symbiodiniaceae: A traits-based review

MR Nitschke, SL Rosset, CA Oakley… - Advances in Marine …, 2022 - Elsevier
Among the most successful microeukaryotes to form mutualisms with animals are
dinoflagellates in the family Symbiodiniaceae. These photosynthetic symbioses drive …

Gene Expression Variation Resolves Species and Individual Strains among Coral-Associated Dinoflagellates within the Genus Symbiodinium

JE Parkinson, S Baumgarten, CT Michell… - Genome Biology and …, 2016 -
Reef-building corals depend on symbiotic mutualisms with photosynthetic dinoflagellates in
the genus Symbiodinium. This large microalgal group comprises many highly divergent …

Heritability of the Symbiodinium community in vertically- and horizontally-transmitting broadcast spawning corals

KM Quigley, BL Willis, LK Bay - Scientific reports, 2017 -
The dinoflagellate-coral partnership influences the coral holobiont's tolerance to thermal
stress and bleaching. However, the comparative roles of host genetic versus environmental …

Most Low-Abundance “Background” Symbiodinium spp. Are Transitory and Have Minimal Functional Significance for Symbiotic Corals

MJ Lee, HJ Jeong, SH Jang, SY Lee, NS Kang… - Microbial Ecology, 2016 - Springer
Speculation surrounds the importance of ecologically cryptic Symbiodinium
spp.(dinoflagellates) that occur at low abundances in reef-building corals and in the …

Symbiodinium glynnii sp. nov., a species of stress-tolerant symbiotic dinoflagellates from pocilloporid and montiporid corals in the Pacific Ocean

DC Wham, G Ning, TC LaJeunesse - Phycologia, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
A formal Symbiodinium species taxonomy enhances understanding of the physiology and
ecology of coral–dinoflagellate symbioses. Here we formally define a new species of stress …