Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev models and beyond: Window into non-Fermi liquids
This is a review of the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) model of compressible quantum many-
body systems without quasiparticle excitations, and its connections to various theoretical …
body systems without quasiparticle excitations, and its connections to various theoretical …
[BOK][B] Holographic quantum matter
A comprehensive overview of holographic methods in quantum matter, written by pioneers
in the field. This book, written by pioneers in the field, offers a comprehensive overview of …
in the field. This book, written by pioneers in the field, offers a comprehensive overview of …
SymTFTs for continuous non-Abelian symmetries
Topological defects and operators give a far-reaching generalization of symmetries of
quantum fields. An auxiliary topological field theory in one dimension higher than the QFT of …
quantum fields. An auxiliary topological field theory in one dimension higher than the QFT of …
A general proof of the quantum null energy condition
A bstract We prove a conjectured lower bound on< T__ (x)> ψ in any state ψ of a CFT on
Minkowski space, dubbed the Quantum Null Energy Condition (QNEC). The bound is given …
Minkowski space, dubbed the Quantum Null Energy Condition (QNEC). The bound is given …
Scalar QED in AdS
We consider scalar QED with Nf flavors in AdSD. For D< 4 the theory is strongly-coupled in
the IR. We use the spin 1 spectral representation to compute and efficiently resum the …
the IR. We use the spin 1 spectral representation to compute and efficiently resum the …
Generalized global symmetries and holography
DM Hofman, N Iqbal - SciPost Physics, 2018 - scipost.org
We study the holographic duals of four-dimensional field theories with 1-form global
symmetries, both discrete and continuous. Such higher-form global symmetries are …
symmetries, both discrete and continuous. Such higher-form global symmetries are …
Viscoelastic hydrodynamics and holography
A bstract We formulate the theory of nonlinear viscoelastic hydrodynamics of anisotropic
crystals in terms of dynamical Goldstone scalars of spontaneously broken translational …
crystals in terms of dynamical Goldstone scalars of spontaneously broken translational …
Universal far-from-equilibrium Dynamics of a Holographic Superconductor
Symmetry-breaking phase transitions are an example of non-equilibrium processes that
require real-time treatment, a major challenge in strongly coupled systems without long-lived …
require real-time treatment, a major challenge in strongly coupled systems without long-lived …
Collective dynamics and the Anderson-Higgs mechanism in a bona fide holographic superconductor
A bstract The holographic superconductor is one of the most popular models in the context
of applied holography. Despite what its name suggests, it does not describe a …
of applied holography. Despite what its name suggests, it does not describe a …
Generalised global symmetries in holography: magnetohydrodynamic waves in a strongly interacting plasma
A bstract We begin the exploration of holographic duals to theories with generalised global
(higher-form) symmetries. In particular, we focus on the case of magnetohydrodynamics …
(higher-form) symmetries. In particular, we focus on the case of magnetohydrodynamics …