Safety assessment of excavation system via TOPSIS-based MCDM modelling in fuzzy environment
Excavation construction is a high-risk activity, where involves various aspects. Accurate
recognition of high-risk factors and implementation of countermeasures can greatly reduce …
recognition of high-risk factors and implementation of countermeasures can greatly reduce …
[HTML][HTML] Interpreting random fields through the U-Net architecture for failure mechanism and deformation predictions of geosystems
The representation of spatial variation of soil properties in the form of random fields permits
advanced probabilistic assessment of slope stability. In many studies, the safety margin of …
advanced probabilistic assessment of slope stability. In many studies, the safety margin of …
Influence of geological uncertainty and soil spatial variability on tunnel deformation and their importance evaluation
In geotechnical engineering, geological uncertainty and the inherent spatial variability of soil
properties are two primary sources of uncertainty, significantly impacting embedded geo …
properties are two primary sources of uncertainty, significantly impacting embedded geo …
Spatio-temporal sequence prediction of CO2 flooding and sequestration potential under geological and engineering uncertainties
CO 2 injection for subsurface hydrocarbon development not only enhances oil and gas
recovery but also enables CO 2 sequestration in the subsurface. It is essential to develop …
recovery but also enables CO 2 sequestration in the subsurface. It is essential to develop …
Experimental study of the coupling effect on segmental shield tunnel lining under surcharge loading and excavation unloading
Surcharge loading and excavation unloading are two common engineering disturbances
affecting the adjacent tunnel in congested urban areas. The coupling effect on segmental …
affecting the adjacent tunnel in congested urban areas. The coupling effect on segmental …
Data-driven and physics-informed Bayesian learning of spatiotemporally varying consolidation settlement from sparse site investigation and settlement monitoring …
H Tian, Y Wang - Computers and Geotechnics, 2023 - Elsevier
A digital twin of a geotechnical project (eg, a reclamation or ground improvement project) is
a virtual model that aims to continuously learn from actual observations (eg, site …
a virtual model that aims to continuously learn from actual observations (eg, site …
[HTML][HTML] Smart Techniques Promoting Sustainability in Construction Engineering and Management
Construction engineering and management (CEM) has become increasingly complicated
with the increasing size of engineering projects under different construction environments …
with the increasing size of engineering projects under different construction environments …
Multi-scale generative adversarial networks (GAN) for generation of three-dimensional subsurface geological models from limited boreholes and prior geological …
Delineation of subsurface stratigraphy is an essential task in site characterization. A three-
dimensional (3D) subsurface geological model that precisely depicts stratigraphic …
dimensional (3D) subsurface geological model that precisely depicts stratigraphic …
Influence of geological uncertainty on longitudinal deformation of tunnel based on improved coupled Markov chain
The complex geological condition encountered during excavation is the key challenge for
tunneling projects. Therefore, tunnel design and construction require a comprehensive …
tunneling projects. Therefore, tunnel design and construction require a comprehensive …
Comparison of data-driven site characterization methods through benchmarking: Methodological and application aspects
Site characterization is one of the most crucial steps for decision making in geotechnical
engineering and to the fullest extent possible should be conducted based on objective data …
engineering and to the fullest extent possible should be conducted based on objective data …