River corridor science: Hydrologic exchange and ecological consequences from bedforms to basins
Previously regarded as the passive drains of watersheds, over the past 50 years, rivers have
progressively been recognized as being actively connected with off‐channel environments …
progressively been recognized as being actively connected with off‐channel environments …
Concepts of hydrological connectivity: Research approaches, pathways and future agendas
For effective catchment management and intervention in hydrological systems a process-
based understanding of hydrological connectivity is required so that: i) conceptual rather …
based understanding of hydrological connectivity is required so that: i) conceptual rather …
Connectivity as an emergent property of geomorphic systems
Connectivity describes the efficiency of material transfer between geomorphic system
components such as hillslopes and rivers or longitudinal segments within a river network …
components such as hillslopes and rivers or longitudinal segments within a river network …
Continental-scale analysis of shallow and deep groundwater contributions to streams
Groundwater discharge generates streamflow and influences stream thermal regimes.
However, the water quality and thermal buffering capacity of groundwater depends on the …
However, the water quality and thermal buffering capacity of groundwater depends on the …
Hydrologic connectivity as a framework for understanding biogeochemical flux through watersheds and along fluvial networks
T Covino - Geomorphology, 2017 - Elsevier
Hydrologic connections can link hillslopes to channel networks, streams to lakes, subsurface
to surface, land to atmosphere, terrestrial to aquatic, and upstream to downstream. These …
to surface, land to atmosphere, terrestrial to aquatic, and upstream to downstream. These …
Connectivity of streams and wetlands to downstream waters: an integrated systems framework
SG Leibowitz, PJ Wigington Jr… - JAWRA Journal of …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Interest in connectivity has increased in the aquatic sciences, partly because of its relevance
to the Clean Water Act. This paper has two objectives:(1) provide a framework to understand …
to the Clean Water Act. This paper has two objectives:(1) provide a framework to understand …
Toward catchment hydro‐biogeochemical theories
Headwater catchments are the fundamental units that connect the land to the ocean.
Hydrological flow and biogeochemical processes are intricately coupled, yet their respective …
Hydrological flow and biogeochemical processes are intricately coupled, yet their respective …
Storage dynamics in hydropedological units control hillslope connectivity, runoff generation, and the evolution of catchment transit time distributions
We examined the storage dynamics and isotopic composition of soil water over 12 months in
three hydropedological units in order to understand runoff generation in a montane …
three hydropedological units in order to understand runoff generation in a montane …
[HTML][HTML] Rainfall and conduit drainage combine to accelerate nitrate loss from a karst agroecosystem: Insights from stable isotope tracing and high-frequency nitrate …
Understanding where nitrate is mobilized from and under what conditions is required to
reduce nitrate loss and protect water quality. Low frequency sampling may inadequately …
reduce nitrate loss and protect water quality. Low frequency sampling may inadequately …
Hierarchical controls on runoff generation: Topographically driven hydrologic connectivity, geology, and vegetation
Understanding the relative influence of catchment structure (topography and topology),
underlying geology, and vegetation on runoff response is key to interpreting catchment …
underlying geology, and vegetation on runoff response is key to interpreting catchment …