Evolutionary psychology: New perspectives on cognition and motivation

L Cosmides, J Tooby - Annual review of psychology, 2013 - annualreviews.org
Evolutionary psychology is the second wave of the cognitive revolution. The first wave
focused on computational processes that generate knowledge about the world: perception …

Structuring and evaluating decision support processes to enhance the robustness of complex human–natural systems

EA Moallemi, F Zare, PM Reed, S Elsawah… - … Modelling & Software, 2020 - Elsevier
Decision-making in the context of complex human–natural systems requires a transition
towards robust model-based inferences which are effective despite uncertainties of human …

Social welfare as small‐scale help: evolutionary psychology and the deservingness heuristic

MB Petersen - American Journal of Political Science, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
Public opinion concerning social welfare is largely driven by perceptions of recipient
deservingness. Extant research has argued that this heuristic is learned from a variety of …

Precaution systems and ritualized behavior

P Boyer, P Linard - Behavioral and brain sciences, 2006 - cambridge.org
In reply to commentary on our target article, we supply further evidence and hypotheses in
the description of ritualized behaviors in humans. Reactions to indirect fitness threats …

[КНИГА][B] A mind of her own: The evolutionary psychology of women

A Campbell - 2013 - books.google.com
When Darwin proposed that females shape evolution by being choosy in their choice of
male suitors, his Victorian contemporaries were shocked that he accorded so much …

Evolution of direct reciprocity under uncertainty can explain human generosity in one-shot encounters

AW Delton, MM Krasnow, L Cosmides… - Proceedings of the …, 2011 - pnas.org
Are humans too generous? The discovery that subjects choose to incur costs to allocate
benefits to others in anonymous, one-shot economic games has posed an unsolved …

Adaptive specializations, social exchange, and the evolution of human intelligence

L Cosmides, HC Barrett, J Tooby - … of the National Academy of Sciences, 2010 - pnas.org
Blank-slate theories of human intelligence propose that reasoning is carried out by general-
purpose operations applied uniformly across contents. An evolutionary approach implies a …

Who deserves help? Evolutionary psychology, social emotions, and public opinion about welfare

MB Petersen, D Sznycer, L Cosmides… - Political …, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
Evidence suggests that our foraging ancestors engaged in the small‐scale equivalent of
social insurance as an essential tool of survival and evolved a sophisticated psychology of …

Aberrant neural processing of moral violations in criminal psychopaths.

CL Harenski, KA Harenski, MS Shane… - Journal of abnormal …, 2010 - psycnet.apa.org
A defining characteristic of psychopathy is the willingness to intentionally commit moral
transgressions against others without guilt or remorse. Despite this “moral insensitivity,” the …

Infection, incest, and iniquity: Investigating the neural correlates of disgust and morality

J Schaich Borg, D Lieberman, KA Kiehl - Journal of cognitive …, 2008 - direct.mit.edu
Disgust, an emotion related to avoiding harmful substances, has been linked to moral
judgments in many behavioral studies. However, the fact that participants report feelings of …