State-of-the-art on strengthening of masonry structures with textile reinforced mortar (TRM)
The emerging need to upgrade the structural performance of buildings and structures has
been recently alleviated with the newly developed textile-reinforced mortar (TRM) …
been recently alleviated with the newly developed textile-reinforced mortar (TRM) …
An overview of natural fiber composites for marine applications
Environmental emergency awareness has been gaining momentum in recent years in the
composite manufacturing industry, with a new generation of composite materials minimizing …
composite manufacturing industry, with a new generation of composite materials minimizing …
Textile reinforcement structures for concrete construction applications––a review
The use of non-metallic, textile reinforcement structures in place of steel reinforcement is a
key component in making concrete constructions more sustainable and durable than they …
key component in making concrete constructions more sustainable and durable than they …
Coir fiber as thermal insulator and its performance as reinforcing material in biocomposite production
Coir is a lignocellulosic natural fiber derived from the coconut's husk, an abundantly found
fruit or nut worldwide. This fiber has some unique characteristics, such as its resistance to …
fruit or nut worldwide. This fiber has some unique characteristics, such as its resistance to …
Materials, weaving parameters, and tensile responses of woven textiles
A Patti, D Acierno - Macromol, 2023 - mdpi.com
Fabrics have been recognized as a necessary component of daily life due to their
involvement in garments, home textiles, and industrial textiles. The mechanical performance …
involvement in garments, home textiles, and industrial textiles. The mechanical performance …
A review of concrete 3D printed structural members
Concrete 3D Printing (3DP) is a potential technology for increasing automation and
introducing digital fabrication in the construction industry. Concrete 3D Printing provides a …
introducing digital fabrication in the construction industry. Concrete 3D Printing provides a …
State of the art of seismic protection technologies for non-engineered buildings (N-EBs) in develo** regions of the world
On a global scale, most earthquake casualties are the result of non-engineered buildings (N-
EBs) collapsing in develo** regions of the world. This is because develo** countries …
EBs) collapsing in develo** regions of the world. This is because develo** countries …
Textile-based soft robotics for physically challenged individuals
Due to the rapid advancements in the human–robot interface, soft robotics is getting
attention in recent times. Conventional robots or robotic devices are not compatible with …
attention in recent times. Conventional robots or robotic devices are not compatible with …
Textile structures in concrete reinforcement
Traditional steel-based reinforcements face corrosion issues that compromise the durability
of concrete structures. Large concrete covers are recommended to mitigate corrosion of …
of concrete structures. Large concrete covers are recommended to mitigate corrosion of …
In-plane behaviour of masonry infill walls with openings strengthened using textile reinforced mortar
A numerical study was carried out to simulate the in-plane behaviour of a 1: 2.5 scaled one-
storey one-bay masonry-infilled reinforced concrete (RC) frame retrofitted with textile …
storey one-bay masonry-infilled reinforced concrete (RC) frame retrofitted with textile …