Angle-resolved photoemission studies of the cuprate superconductors

A Damascelli, Z Hussain, ZX Shen - Reviews of modern physics, 2003 - APS
The last decade witnessed significant progress in angle-resolved photoemission
spectroscopy (ARPES) and its applications. Today, ARPES experiments with 2-meV energy …

Progress and perspectives on electron-doped cuprates

NP Armitage, P Fournier, RL Greene - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2010 - APS
Although the vast majority of high-T c cuprate superconductors are hole-doped, a small
family of electron-doped compounds exists. Underinvestigated until recently, there has been …

The effect of collective spin-1 excitations on electronic spectra in high- Tc superconductors

M Eschrig - Advances in Physics, 2006 - Taylor & Francis
We review recent experimental and theoretical results on the interaction between single-
particle excitations and collective spin excitations in the superconducting state of high-Tc …

Resonant elastic soft x-ray scattering

J Fink, E Schierle, E Weschke… - Reports on Progress in …, 2013 -
Resonant (elastic) soft x-ray scattering (RSXS) offers a unique element, site and valence
specific probe to study spatial modulations of charge, spin and orbital degrees of freedom in …

The electronic nature of high temperature cuprate superconductors

MR Norman, C Pépin - Reports on Progress in Physics, 2003 -
We review the field of high temperature cuprate superconductors, with emphasis on the
nature of their electronic properties. After a general overview of experiment and theory, we …

One-band tight-binding model parametrization of the high- cuprates including the effect of dispersion

RS Markiewicz, S Sahrakorpi, M Lindroos, H Lin… - Physical Review B …, 2005 - APS
We discuss the effects of interlayer hop** and the resulting kz dispersion in the cuprates
within the framework of the one-band tight-binding model Hamiltonian. Specific forms of the …

High-Tc Superconductivity and Antiferromagnetism in Multilayered Copper Oxides –A New Paradigm of Superconducting Mechanism–

H Mukuda, S Shimizu, A Iyo, Y Kitaoka - Journal of the Physical …, 2011 -
High-temperature superconductivity (HTSC) in copper oxides emerges on a layered CuO 2
plane when an antiferromagnetic Mott insulator is doped with mobile hole carriers. We …

Photoemission in the high Tc superconductors

JC Campuzano, MR Norman, M Randeria - arxiv preprint cond-mat …, 2002 -
We review angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) results on the high Tc
superconductors, focusing primarily on results obtained on the quasi-two dimensional …

Origin of the Peak-Dip-Hump Line Shape in the Superconducting-State Photoemission Spectra of

AA Kordyuk, SV Borisenko, TK Kim, KA Nenkov… - Physical review …, 2002 - APS
From detailed high-resolution measurements of the photon energy dependence of the (π,
0)<? format?> superconducting-state photoemission spectrum of the bilayer Bi high …