Literature review: mediation effects of debt maturity on good corporate governance in enhancing financial performance

MH Adiya, M Hamidi, R Rahim, F Adrianto - Journal of Applied Business …, 2023 -
This study proposes a research model to investigate the mediating effect of debt maturity on
the relationship between good corporate governance (GCG) and financial performance. The …

The effect of good corporate governance mechanism and corporate social responsibility on financial performance with earnings management as mediating variable

M Mahrani, N Soewarno - Asian Journal of Accounting Research, 2018 -
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to determine the direct influence of the mechanism of
good corporate governance (GCG) and corporate social responsibility (CSR) on financial …

Efek mekanisme good corporate governance terhadap kinerja keuangan melalui mediasi manajemen laba

VE Saputra, MR Rita, IM Sakti - Modus, 2022 -
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh tata kelola perusahaan (Good Corporate
Governance/GCG) terhadap kinerja keuangan melalui mediasi manajemen laba. Penelitian …

Impact of the expanded program on immunization on the incidence of Japanese encephalitis in different regions of Mainland China: An interrupt time series analysis

T Shi, L Meng, D Li, N **, X Zhao, X Zhang, Y Liu… - Acta Tropica, 2022 - Elsevier
Abstract In 2008, Mainland China included the Japanese encephalitis (JE) vaccine in the
Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) to control the JE epidemic. However, Northwest …

Analysis Of Business Implementation on Shopeepay Digital Wallet using Business Model Canvas (BMC) and Swot Analysis

NA Pinem, F Sulistyawati… - Jurnal Impresi Indonesia, 2023 -
Abstract Received: 30-12-2022 Introduction: E-payment, or electronic payment, is a type of
payment used when shop**. The financial industry has revolutionized and transformed …

[HTML][HTML] Development of Climate-Related Disclosure Indicators for Application in Indonesia: A Delphi Method Study

PB Saptono, G Mahmud, I Pratiwi, D Purwanto… - Sustainability, 2023 -
Indonesia is currently preparing to adopt the climate-related disclosure standard. Before this
new standard is implemented effectively, the Institute of Indonesia Chartered Accountants …

Pengaruh Tata Kelola Perusahaan terhadap Kinerja Keuangan pada Badan Usaha Milik Negara yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2015-2021

NT Atmaji, GSS Ugut - J-MAS (Jurnal Manajemen dan Sains), 2023 -
The performance of a company is very dependent on good or bad corporate governance.
Good corporate governance will be able to influence the company's financial performance …

The role of corporate social responsibility and earning management in mediation of the effect of corporate governance on corporate performance

M Hidah, IBP Sedana - … Research Journal of Management, IT and Social …, 2021 -
The purpose of this study is to analyze the role of corporate social responsibility and earning
management in mediating the influence of corporate governance on corporate performance …

Peran Manajemen Laba Memediasi Hubungan Antara CSR, GCG Dan Kinerja Perusahaan Keluarga

I Itan - Jurnal Ecodemica: Jurnal Ekonomi Manajemen dan …, 2020 -
This study looks into the mediating role of earning management on the relationship between
corporate social responsibility (CSR), good corporate governance (GCG) and family-owned …

Función de auditoria y manipulación contable: Evidencia desde México, período 2014-2019

SDP Jiménez, DD Ávila, VB Tapia… - Revista de ciencias …, 2021 -
Tras la publicación de las modificaciones realizadas a la Ley General de Sociedades
Mercantiles de México del 2015 y, particularmente, a su artículo 142, se establecieron en el …