Prediction of the performance of halal food industry using a system dynamics simulation model

A Susanty, NB Puspitasari, ZF Rosyada - Journal of Islamic Marketing, 2024 -
Purpose This study aims to develop a system dynamics (SD) simulation model to forecast
the performance of the Indonesian halal industry to verify whether decision-making has …

The urgency of implementing halal product process assistance: Review of maqashid syariah

MH Al Ghifari, PD Priyatno - Al-Mustashfa: Jurnal Penelitian …, 2024 -
Halal food commodities are currently a priority aspect for the Indonesian government, to the
point of creating a self-declare scheme intended for micro and small business actors. Since …

Synergy and collaboration between government and private institutions in building halal ecosystems in Indonesia

A Rachman, B Sangare - Jurnal Ilmiah Islam Futura, 2023 -
This study aims to analyze and criticize the synergy and collaboration of government
agencies and private institutions such as universities, social organizations, educational …

[PDF][PDF] Pendam**an Proses Produk Halal Dalam Program Sertifikasi Halal Gratis (SEHATI) Bagi Pelaku UMKM Kedu Emas Tangerang

A Rachman, S Sunardi, ADR Simatupang… - JAPI (Jurnal Akses …, 2023 -
Abstrak Pendam**an Proses Produk Halal (PPH) adalah kegiatan pengabdian yang
ditujukan untuk membantu para pelaku UMKM Kedu Emas di Kecamatan Kelapa Dua …

Persepsi Pelaku UMKM Terhadap Kepemilikan Sertifikasi Halal Untuk Meningkatkan Daya Saing Produk UMKM Madura

N Qomariyah - Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Islam, 2023 -
Halal certification will increase the competitiveness of micro small business (UMKM)
products, especially food and beverages, moreover there is a policy from related agencies …

Pertumbuhan Industri Halal Berbasis Usaha Mikro Kecil (UMK)

M Nasor, A Hermanto - Syarikat: Jurnal Rumpun Ekonomi Syariah, 2024 -
Indonesia sebagai negara dengan penduduk muslim terbesar dunia memiliki peluang yang
sangat besar untuk berperan aktif dalam industri halal global. Melalui Usaha Mikro Kecil …

Halal Certification for MSEs in Indonesia: How Business Duration Drives Legal Awareness

H Maulana, SNSD Labolo, M Jamal… - Share: Jurnal Ekonomi …, 2024 -
Halal certification is mandatory for all Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) in Indonesia.
Despite the vast number of MSEs, totaling 64.2 million as of February 2023, only about 20 …

Halal Certification Perspective of Small Micro-Entrepreneurs in Pasuruan Regency

A Aslikhah, B Djamaluddin, M Mugiyati - International Journal of …, 2024 -
The enactment of halal product assurance regulations on small micro-enterprises requires
small micro-entrepreneurs to accelerate halal certification. This situation has caused various …

Edukasi dan Promosi dalam Industri Halal

D Yuniarti, N Hamzah - Jurnal Alwatzikhoebillah: Kajian …, 2024 -
Ketidakhati-hatian masyarakat selaku produsen dan konsumen terhadap tingkat kehalalan
produk masih menjadi fenomena saat ini. Ini mendorong perlunya edukasi dan promosi …

[PDF][PDF] Kesadaran halal dan persepsi sertifikasi halal di kalangan pelaku usaha mikro bidang kuliner jajanan

HM Ningrum - Skripsi, UIN Prof. KH Saifuddin Zuhri, 2023 -
Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman, bidang kuliner merupakan objek yang paling
banyak digemari oleh masyarakat. Oleh karena itu, banyak pelaku usaha yang …