Prediction of the performance of halal food industry using a system dynamics simulation model
A Susanty, NB Puspitasari, ZF Rosyada - Journal of Islamic Marketing, 2024 - emerald.com
Purpose This study aims to develop a system dynamics (SD) simulation model to forecast
the performance of the Indonesian halal industry to verify whether decision-making has …
the performance of the Indonesian halal industry to verify whether decision-making has …
The urgency of implementing halal product process assistance: Review of maqashid syariah
Halal food commodities are currently a priority aspect for the Indonesian government, to the
point of creating a self-declare scheme intended for micro and small business actors. Since …
point of creating a self-declare scheme intended for micro and small business actors. Since …
Synergy and collaboration between government and private institutions in building halal ecosystems in Indonesia
This study aims to analyze and criticize the synergy and collaboration of government
agencies and private institutions such as universities, social organizations, educational …
agencies and private institutions such as universities, social organizations, educational …
[PDF][PDF] Pendam**an Proses Produk Halal Dalam Program Sertifikasi Halal Gratis (SEHATI) Bagi Pelaku UMKM Kedu Emas Tangerang
A Rachman, S Sunardi, ADR Simatupang… - JAPI (Jurnal Akses …, 2023 - researchgate.net
Abstrak Pendam**an Proses Produk Halal (PPH) adalah kegiatan pengabdian yang
ditujukan untuk membantu para pelaku UMKM Kedu Emas di Kecamatan Kelapa Dua …
ditujukan untuk membantu para pelaku UMKM Kedu Emas di Kecamatan Kelapa Dua …
Persepsi Pelaku UMKM Terhadap Kepemilikan Sertifikasi Halal Untuk Meningkatkan Daya Saing Produk UMKM Madura
N Qomariyah - Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Islam, 2023 - jurnal.stie-aas.ac.id
Halal certification will increase the competitiveness of micro small business (UMKM)
products, especially food and beverages, moreover there is a policy from related agencies …
products, especially food and beverages, moreover there is a policy from related agencies …
Pertumbuhan Industri Halal Berbasis Usaha Mikro Kecil (UMK)
M Nasor, A Hermanto - Syarikat: Jurnal Rumpun Ekonomi Syariah, 2024 - journal.uir.ac.id
Indonesia sebagai negara dengan penduduk muslim terbesar dunia memiliki peluang yang
sangat besar untuk berperan aktif dalam industri halal global. Melalui Usaha Mikro Kecil …
sangat besar untuk berperan aktif dalam industri halal global. Melalui Usaha Mikro Kecil …
Halal Certification for MSEs in Indonesia: How Business Duration Drives Legal Awareness
Halal certification is mandatory for all Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) in Indonesia.
Despite the vast number of MSEs, totaling 64.2 million as of February 2023, only about 20 …
Despite the vast number of MSEs, totaling 64.2 million as of February 2023, only about 20 …
Halal Certification Perspective of Small Micro-Entrepreneurs in Pasuruan Regency
The enactment of halal product assurance regulations on small micro-enterprises requires
small micro-entrepreneurs to accelerate halal certification. This situation has caused various …
small micro-entrepreneurs to accelerate halal certification. This situation has caused various …
Edukasi dan Promosi dalam Industri Halal
Ketidakhati-hatian masyarakat selaku produsen dan konsumen terhadap tingkat kehalalan
produk masih menjadi fenomena saat ini. Ini mendorong perlunya edukasi dan promosi …
produk masih menjadi fenomena saat ini. Ini mendorong perlunya edukasi dan promosi …
[PDF][PDF] Kesadaran halal dan persepsi sertifikasi halal di kalangan pelaku usaha mikro bidang kuliner jajanan
HM Ningrum - Skripsi, UIN Prof. KH Saifuddin Zuhri, 2023 - repository.uinsaizu.ac.id
Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman, bidang kuliner merupakan objek yang paling
banyak digemari oleh masyarakat. Oleh karena itu, banyak pelaku usaha yang …
banyak digemari oleh masyarakat. Oleh karena itu, banyak pelaku usaha yang …