Dynamic self-regulation and multiple-goal pursuit
Self-regulation is the dynamic process by which people manage competing demands on
their time and resources as they strive to achieve desired outcomes, while simultaneously …
their time and resources as they strive to achieve desired outcomes, while simultaneously …
Modelling people's behaviour using discrete-event simulation: a review
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to provide a contribution to the area of behavioural
operations management (OM) by identifying key challenges in the use of discrete-event …
operations management (OM) by identifying key challenges in the use of discrete-event …
An integrative formal model of motivation and decision making: The MGPM*.
We develop and test an integrative formal model of motivation and decision making. The
model, referred to as the extended multiple-goal pursuit model (MGPM*), is an integration of …
model, referred to as the extended multiple-goal pursuit model (MGPM*), is an integration of …
Problem formulation and solution mechanisms: a behavioral study of humanitarian transportation planning
When dealing with urgent, ill‐defined problems, such as rapidly evolving emergency
situations, operations managers have little time for problem formulation or solution. While …
situations, operations managers have little time for problem formulation or solution. While …
The psychology of getting busy: Multitasking as a consequence of goal activation.
With the constantly increasing popularity of human multitasking, it is crucial to know why
people engage in simultaneous task performance or switch between unfinished tasks. In the …
people engage in simultaneous task performance or switch between unfinished tasks. In the …
Holistic thinking and air traffic controllers' decision making in conflict resolution
E ** and
testing theory in industrial and organizational psychology. This chapter provides a tutorial on …
testing theory in industrial and organizational psychology. This chapter provides a tutorial on …