Factors determining the susceptibility of fish to effects of human pharmaceuticals
The increasing levels and frequencies at which active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) are
being detected in the environment are of significant concern, especially considering the …
being detected in the environment are of significant concern, especially considering the …
Combined effects of heatwaves and micropollutants on freshwater ecosystems: Towards an integrated assessment of extreme events in multiple stressors research
Freshwater ecosystems are strongly influenced by weather extremes such as heatwaves
(HWs), which are predicted to increase in frequency and magnitude in the future. In addition …
(HWs), which are predicted to increase in frequency and magnitude in the future. In addition …
Antidepressant drugs as emerging contaminants: Occurrence in urban and non-urban waters and analytical methods for their detection
Antidepressants are drugs with a direct action on the brain's biochemistry through their
interaction with the neurotransmitters, such as dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin …
interaction with the neurotransmitters, such as dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin …
Antidepressant pharmaceuticals in aquatic systems, individual-level ecotoxicological effects: growth, survival and behavior
K Słoczyńska, J Orzeł, A Murzyn, J Popiół… - Aquatic Toxicology, 2023 - Elsevier
The growing consumption of antidepressant pharmaceuticals has resulted in their
widespread occurrence in the environment, particularly in waterways with a typical …
widespread occurrence in the environment, particularly in waterways with a typical …
Pharmaceuticals in biota: The impact of wastewater treatment plant effluents on fish in Australia
Globally, pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) are detected in surface
waters receiving wastewater, yet their presence in biota, remain largely understudied. To …
waters receiving wastewater, yet their presence in biota, remain largely understudied. To …
Municipal wastewater as an ecological trap: Effects on fish communities across seasons
Municipal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluents are a ubiquitous source of
contamination whose impacts on fish and other aquatic organisms span across multiple …
contamination whose impacts on fish and other aquatic organisms span across multiple …
Enantioselective ecotoxicity of venlafaxine in aquatic organisms: Daphnia and zebrafish
Venlafaxine is a chiral antidepressant detected in aquatic compartments. It was recently
included in the 3rd Watch List from the European Union. The present study aimed to …
included in the 3rd Watch List from the European Union. The present study aimed to …
[HTML][HTML] Advanced oxidation processes based on sulfate radicals for wastewater treatment: Research trends
In this work, the recent trends in the application of the sulfate radical-based advanced
oxidation processes (SR-AOPs) for the treatment of wastewater polluted with emerging …
oxidation processes (SR-AOPs) for the treatment of wastewater polluted with emerging …
Generation-specific and interactive effects of pesticide and antidepressant exposure in a fish model call for multi-stressor and multigenerational testing
Ecological risks of a pollutant are typically assessed via short-term exposure of model
organisms to that single compound. Such tests are informative, but cannot ascertain effects …
organisms to that single compound. Such tests are informative, but cannot ascertain effects …
Photodecomposition of pharmaceuticals and personal care products using P25 modified with Ag nanoparticles in the presence of natural organic matter
The presence of pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) in water remains a
concern due to their potential threat to environmental and human health. Advanced …
concern due to their potential threat to environmental and human health. Advanced …