[HTML][HTML] New insights into the latest advancement in α-amylase inhibitors of plant origin with anti-diabetic effects
The rising predominance of type 2 diabetes, combined with the poor medical effects seen
with commercially available anti-diabetic medications, has motivated the development of …
with commercially available anti-diabetic medications, has motivated the development of …
Extractions methods and biological applications of essential oils
Plants produce secondary metabolites for defense and based on the biosynthetic pathway,
these chemical compounds are broadly divided into three categories namely nitrogen …
these chemical compounds are broadly divided into three categories namely nitrogen …
Foliar application of three dithiocarbamates inhibits the absorption and accumulation of Cd in wheat
Z Gao, Q Huang, Y Liu, B Li, T Ma, X Qin… - … Science: Processes & …, 2022 - pubs.rsc.org
In cadmium (Cd) contaminated farmland soil, antagonism between elements can be used to
control the absorption and accumulation of Cd in crops through the external application of …
control the absorption and accumulation of Cd in crops through the external application of …
Exploring Fagonia cretica and Berberis lycium as α-Amylase Inhibitors: Potential Therapeutic Strategies for Diabetes Mellitus Investigated Through In Vitro and In …
YK Chen, I Ahmad, N Rahman… - Pharmacognosy …, 2025 - journals.sagepub.com
Background: Growing diabetes prevalence prompts investigation into plant-derived
compounds' potential to inhibit α-amylase, offering novel therapeutic avenues for treating …
compounds' potential to inhibit α-amylase, offering novel therapeutic avenues for treating …
Curbing key digestive enzymes by three plant extracts for sustainable Management of Postprandial Hyperglycemia
Background: Diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic condition marked by persistently
elevated blood sugar levels. Key digestive enzymes viz. α-amylase and α-glucosidase …
elevated blood sugar levels. Key digestive enzymes viz. α-amylase and α-glucosidase …
Development of marker-based quantification methods for Diospyros Montana Roxb using DoE approach and in-silico anti-diabetic screening of selected phytoconstituents of …
Diabetes mellitus is a rising global health issue, necessitating effective and affordable
treatments. This study aimed to develop marker-based quantification methods for Diospyros …
treatments. This study aimed to develop marker-based quantification methods for Diospyros …
[PDF][PDF] Unveiling the chemical profiling, antioxidant, anticancer and antibacterial activities of essential oils derived from fennel (Foeniculum vulgare), M. fruticose and …
MA Alrub - 2023 - repository.najah.edu
Thanks first go to ALLAH. I would then express my sincere thanks and gratitude to my
supervisor, Dr. Nawaf Al-Maharik and Dr. Derar Smadi for their guidance, encouragement …
supervisor, Dr. Nawaf Al-Maharik and Dr. Derar Smadi for their guidance, encouragement …
Restraint of Starch-hydrolyzing Enzyme in the Management of Postprandial Blood Glucose Level: An Alternative Approach
Background: Diabetes is a multifaceted metabolic condition defined by postprandial
hyperglycemia with perturbances in the majority of the metabolic systems in the human …
hyperglycemia with perturbances in the majority of the metabolic systems in the human …
H Rizky - 2023 - digilib.unila.ac.id
Diabetes melitus merupakan penyakit gangguan metabolisme karbohidrat, yang ditandai
dengan tingginya kadar gula darah. Diabetes melitus dibedakan menjadi dua kategori yaitu …
dengan tingginya kadar gula darah. Diabetes melitus dibedakan menjadi dua kategori yaitu …
Isolasi, Karakterisasi, Serta Uji Bioaktivitas Antidiabetes Dan Antibakteri Senyawa Flavonoid Dari Kayu Akar Tumbuhan Kenangkan (Artocarpus rigida Blume)
NA Kania - 2023 - digilib.unila.ac.id
Diabetes mellitus merupakan penyakit metabolisme yang disebabkan dengan kenaikan
kadar gula darah yang melebihi batas normal sehingga dapat menyebabkan kelainan dan …
kadar gula darah yang melebihi batas normal sehingga dapat menyebabkan kelainan dan …