Functional and performance test of modified lug wheel on two wheels tractor with pivot type trailer
Palm oil fields with slopes require special wheels for transportation for transporting fresh fruit
bunches (FFB), the special wheels in question are modified wheels from the existing cage …
bunches (FFB), the special wheels in question are modified wheels from the existing cage …
Uji Kinerja Trailer Tipe Pivot Pada Traktor Roda Dua Jenis Pneumatic Di Lahan Miring Untuk Pengangkutan Tandan Buah Segar (TBS) Sawit
Kebanyakan petani memilki traktor roda dua tetapi belum bisa difungsikan sebagai alat
angkut TBS sawit karena trailer tipe konvensional yang tersedia memiliki keterbatasan …
angkut TBS sawit karena trailer tipe konvensional yang tersedia memiliki keterbatasan …
The performance of pivot-type trailer for fresh fruit bunches transport equipment using two-wheeled tractors in oil palm fields.
Poor farmers in Indonesia still transport palm fruit bunches manually, so they require a lot of
manpower and many of them are transported for a long time, reducing quality. Oil palm …
manpower and many of them are transported for a long time, reducing quality. Oil palm …