A biostimulant complex comprising molasses, Aloe vera extract, and fish-hydrolysate enhances yield, aroma, and functional food value of strawberry fruit

K Wise, J Selby-Pham, T Simovich… - Advances in Horticultural …, 2024 - oaj.fupress.net
Strawberry is a popular functional food due to the presence of antioxidant and anti-
inflammatory phytochemicals. Enhancing this functional food value is an opportunity to …

Phytoremediation and nurse potential of aloe plants on mine tailings

J Marcelo-Silva, M Ramabu, SJ Siebert - International Journal of …, 2023 - mdpi.com
Mine tailings are a source of potentially toxic metals (PTMs) worldwide. Phytoremediation is
a low-cost green technology that uses metal-tolerant plants to extract these contaminants …

Morphological characteristic of fiber flax seedlings regard to different pH water solution and temperature

I Buranji, I Varga, M Lisjak, D Iljkić… - Journal of central …, 2019 - jcea.agr.hr
The aim of this study was to determine the influence of different pH values of water solution
(pH 4.5, 5.5, 6.5, 7.5 and 8.5) and temperatures (10, 15 and 20 ºC) on fibre flax seed …

[PDF][PDF] An allelopathic evaluation of aqueous Aloe vera leaf and root extracts on the weed Sonchus oleraceus associated Vicia faba L.

KG El-Rokiek, A Nasr Shehata, SAS El-Din… - Ahead of …, 2024 - plantprotection.pl
This study aimed to evaluate the bioherbicidal effect of aqueous fresh extracts of leaves and
roots of the Aloe vera plant on the broad leaf weed growth of Sonchus oleraceus associated …

Evaluation of Aqueous Extracts of Some Medicinal Plants Against the Wild Radish-an Eco-friendly Aproach to Control the Troublesome Weed

MA Islam, R Maqbool, A Khaliq, MA Nadeem, M Yasin - 2024 - researchsquare.com
Wild radish is increasingly becoming a problematic and troublesome weed of crop**
systems in Pakistan, and an environment-friendly solution for this rapidly spreading weed is …

Alelopatski potencijal lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) na klijavost sjemena i rast klijanaca povrća

M Ravlić, R Baličević, M Tucak, M Mijić… - Glasnik zaštite …, 2021 - repozitorij.fazos.hr
Sažetak Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi alelopatski potencijal lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) na
klijavost sjemena i rast klijanaca rotkvice (Raphanus sativus L.), radiča (Cichorium intybus L …

Utvrđivanje prisutnosti pesticida u odabranom citrusnom voću

A Horvat - 2019 - repozitorij.unizg.hr
Sažetak Cilj istraživanja Cilj ovog rada jest utvrditi prisutnost pesticida u citrusima dostupnih
u slobodnoj prodaji u Republici Hrvatskoj te procijeniti postoji li opasnost od njihovog …

Allelopathic potential of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) on seed germination and seedling growth of vegetables

M Ravlić, R Baličević, M Tucak, M Mijić, L Stanić… - Glasnik Zaštite …, 2021 - hrcak.srce.hr
Sažetak The aim of the study was to determine the allelopathic potential of alfalfa (Medicago
sativa L.) on seed germination and seedling growth of radish (Raphanus sativus L.) …

Alelopatski potencijal livadne kadulje (Salvia pratensis L.) na salatu (Lactuca sativa L.)

A Županić - 2023 - zir.nsk.hr
Sažetak Livadna kadulja (Salvia pratensis L.) je trajna zeljasta, aromatična i ljekovita biljka
iz porodice usnača (Lamiaceae). Cilj istraţivanja bio je utvrditi alelopatski utjecaj vodenih …