A review on ice detection technology and ice elimination technology for wind turbine

K Wei, Y Yang, H Zuo, D Zhong - Wind Energy, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Blade icing can affect wind turbines to generate electricity. In severe cases, 30% of power
generation is lost in a year, and safety problems in the vicinity of wind power plants are also …

[HTML][HTML] Physical de-icing techniques for wind turbine blades

V Okulov, I Kabardin, D Mukhin, K Stepanov… - Energies, 2021 - mdpi.com
The review reflects physical solutions for de-icing, one of the main problems that impedes
the efficient use of wind turbines for autonomous energy resources in cold regions. This …

Investigation of ice shedding properties of superhydrophobic coatings on helicopter blades

S Tarquini, C Antonini, A Amirfazli, M Marengo… - Cold regions science …, 2014 - Elsevier
The state-of-the-art of icing protection systems for helicopter rotor blades is based on active
thermal de-icing systems that require large amounts of power. This work focused on …

Tensile, torsional and bending strain at the adhesive rupture of an iced substrate

C Laforte, JL Laforte - International Conference on …, 2009 - asmedigitalcollection.asme.org
In order to develop an effective deicing device using mechanical deformation of substrates,
the adhesive and/or cohesive strains of ice at rupture were measured for three different …

[KNJIGA][B] Déformation à la rupture adhésive par traction, flexion et torsion d'un substat givré

C Laforte - 2008 - constellation.uqac.ca
En 2007, il est encore justifié de travailler à développer des méthodes de déglaçage. Car
bien que plusieurs méthodes thermiques ou mécaniques aient prouvé leur efficacité sur le …

Experimental study for effect of mean volumetric diameter on ice adhesion strength

L Zhen, K Weiliang, L Hong, W Fuxin - Journal of Experiments in Fluid …, 2018 - syltlx.com
Ice adhesion strength is the interaction between the ice and the solid substrate. Research
about how experimental parameters influence ice adhesion strength is important to the …


刘祯, 孔维梁, 刘洪, 王福新 - 实验流体力学, 2018 - syltlx.com
冰附着力是冰与基底表面之间的作用力, 研究环境参数对冰附着力的影响对认识冰附着力机理,
开发防除冰方法以及分析融冰和脱冰特性具有重要的意义. 在基底不变的条件下 …

Evaluation of icing design criteria for lattice towers

O Korotkov - 2010 - mspace.lib.umanitoba.ca
Atmospheric icing is a major design factor for guyed lattice masts and transmission lines in
Canada and many others countries with cold climate. Tall and slender guyed lattice towers …