Rifted margins: State of the art and future challenges
G Peron-Pinvidic, G Manatschal… - Frontiers in Earth …, 2019 - frontiersin.org
Improvements in seismic imaging, computing capabilities, and analytical methods, as well
as a number of industry deep-water wells sampling distal offshore settings, have …
as a number of industry deep-water wells sampling distal offshore settings, have …
A review of cretaceous smooth-slopes extensional basins along the Iberia-Eurasia plate boundary: How pre-rift salt controls the modes of continental rifting and mantle …
This article points out for the first time a striking correlation between the paleogeography of
Upper Triassic deposits and the mode of crustal stretching around and inside the Northern …
Upper Triassic deposits and the mode of crustal stretching around and inside the Northern …
Rifted margins classification and forcing parameters
F Sapin, JC Ringenbach, C Clerc - Scientific Reports, 2021 - nature.com
Rifted margins are the result of the successful process of thinning and breakup of the
continental lithosphere leading to the formation of new oceanic lithosphere. Observations on …
continental lithosphere leading to the formation of new oceanic lithosphere. Observations on …
How do detachment faults form at ultraslow mid-ocean ridges in a thick axial lithosphere?
Slow-spreading mid-ocean ridges develop large offset normal faults, or detachments, that
exhume mantle-derived peridotites to the seafloor. Successive detachments that flip polarity …
exhume mantle-derived peridotites to the seafloor. Successive detachments that flip polarity …
The ephemeral development of C′ shear bands: A numerical modelling approach
C′ shear bands are ubiquitous structures in shear zones but their development is poorly
understood. Previous research has determined they mostly occur in rocks with a high …
understood. Previous research has determined they mostly occur in rocks with a high …
Semi‐brittle deformation of Carrara marble: Hardening and twinning induced plasticity
Semi‐brittle flow occurs when crystal plasticity and cataclastic mechanisms operate
concurrently and may be common at mid‐levels of the Earth's crust. Using a Paterson gas …
concurrently and may be common at mid‐levels of the Earth's crust. Using a Paterson gas …
Strain localization in the root of detachment faults at a melt‐starved mid‐ocean ridge: a microstructural study of Abyssal Peridotites from the Southwest Indian Ridge
Detachment faults that exhume mantle peridotites to the seafloor play a major role in the
accommodation of plate divergence at slow‐spreading ridges. Using 99 samples of partially …
accommodation of plate divergence at slow‐spreading ridges. Using 99 samples of partially …
Potential role of lithospheric mantle composition in the Wilson cycle: a North Atlantic perspective
Although the Wilson cycle is usually considered in terms of wide oceans floored with normal
oceanic crust, numerous orogens result from the closure of embryonic oceans. We discuss …
oceanic crust, numerous orogens result from the closure of embryonic oceans. We discuss …
The mechanics of creep, slow slip events, and earthquakes in mixed brittle‐ductile fault zones
Geological observations show that fault zone composition varies and often accommodates a
mixture of brittle and ductile deformation. There is growing evidence that the nature of this …
mixture of brittle and ductile deformation. There is growing evidence that the nature of this …
Brittle‐ductile rheological behavior in subduction zones: Effects of strength ratio between strong and weak phases in a bi‐phase system
The brittle‐ductile rheological behavior in subduction zones is commonly proposed to
explain deep transient slips. Generally observed at large scales in tectonic “mélanges”, here …
explain deep transient slips. Generally observed at large scales in tectonic “mélanges”, here …