Biogenic manganese oxides: properties and mechanisms of formation
▪ Abstract Manganese (IV) oxides produced through microbial activity, ie, biogenic Mn
oxides or Mn biooxides, are believed to be the most abundant and highly reactive Mn oxide …
oxides or Mn biooxides, are believed to be the most abundant and highly reactive Mn oxide …
Application of bacterial biocathodes in microbial fuel cells
This review addresses the development and experimental progress of biocathodes in
microbial fuel cells (MFCs). Conventional MFCs consist of biological anodes and abiotic …
microbial fuel cells (MFCs). Conventional MFCs consist of biological anodes and abiotic …
Low Mid-Proterozoic atmospheric oxygen levels and the delayed rise of animals
The oxygenation of Earth's surface fundamentally altered global biogeochemical cycles and
ultimately paved the way for the rise of metazoans at the end of the Proterozoic. However …
ultimately paved the way for the rise of metazoans at the end of the Proterozoic. However …
[CARTE][B] Geomicrobiology
HL Ehrlich, DK Newman - 2008 - taylorfrancis.com
Uncovers the Key Role Microbes Play in the Transformation of Oxidizable and Reducible
MineralsMany areas of geomicrobial processes are receiving serious attention from …
MineralsMany areas of geomicrobial processes are receiving serious attention from …
[CARTE][B] Introduction to geomicrobiology
KO Konhauser - 2009 - books.google.com
Introduction to Geomicrobiology is a timely and comprehensive overview of how microbial
life has affected Earth's environment through time. It shows how the ubiquity of …
life has affected Earth's environment through time. It shows how the ubiquity of …
Widespread production of extracellular superoxide by heterotrophic bacteria
Superoxide and other reactive oxygen species (ROS) originate from several natural sources
and profoundly influence numerous elemental cycles, including carbon and trace metals. In …
and profoundly influence numerous elemental cycles, including carbon and trace metals. In …
Role of cellular design in bacterial metal accumulation and mineralization.
TJ Beveridge - 1989 - cabidigitallibrary.org
The topics reviewed include: bacterial design; bacterial surfaces; necessity of metallic ions
for bacterial surfaces; sorption of metals to bacterial surfaces, precipitation and mineral …
for bacterial surfaces; sorption of metals to bacterial surfaces, precipitation and mineral …
Surface layers of bacteria
TJ Beveridge, LL Graham - Microbiological reviews, 1991 - journals.asm.org
Since bacteria are so small, microscopy has traditionally been used to study them as
individual cells. To this end, electron microscopy has been a most powerful tool for studying …
individual cells. To this end, electron microscopy has been a most powerful tool for studying …
Hexavalent chromium generation within naturally structured soils and sediments
Chromium (VI) produced from the oxidation of indigenous Cr (III) minerals is increasingly
being recognized as a threat to groundwater quality. A critical determinant of Cr (VI) …
being recognized as a threat to groundwater quality. A critical determinant of Cr (VI) …
Evidence for the presence of Mn (III) intermediates in the bacterial oxidation of Mn (II)
Bacterial oxidation of Mn (II) to Mn (IV) is believed to drive the oxidative segment of the
global biogeochemical Mn cycle and regulates the concentration of dissolved Mn (II) in the …
global biogeochemical Mn cycle and regulates the concentration of dissolved Mn (II) in the …