Artificial intelligence alone will not democratise education: On educational inequality, techno-solutionism and inclusive tools
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Education claims to have the potential for building personalised
curricula, as well as bringing opportunities for democratising education and creating a …
curricula, as well as bringing opportunities for democratising education and creating a …
Pedagogy innovation and integration of films in management education: Review and research paradigms
Technology has enabled the education of today like nothing before. This technological
intervention has impacted the curriculum, students, and teachers in the process of their …
intervention has impacted the curriculum, students, and teachers in the process of their …
Towards flexible personalized learning and the future educational system in the fourth industrial revolution in the wake of Covid-19
The concept of the Fourth Industrial Revolution is related to a ubiquitously connected,
pervasively proximate (UCaPP) world and its response to Covid-19. Pedagogies need to be …
pervasively proximate (UCaPP) world and its response to Covid-19. Pedagogies need to be …
Pedagogías emergentes en ambientes virtuales de aprendizaje
Las pedagogías emergentes hacen su aparición en el escenario de los ambientes virtuales
de aprendizaje en tiempos de gran incertidumbre. Las pedagogías emergentes apoyan el …
de aprendizaje en tiempos de gran incertidumbre. Las pedagogías emergentes apoyan el …
Pedagogical innovations in management education in the 21ST century: A review and research agenda
The importance of pedagogical innovations in management education for improved learning
outcomes has been emphasized by scholars. However, the literature on these innovations …
outcomes has been emphasized by scholars. However, the literature on these innovations …
Teachers' perspectives of utilizing distance learning to support 21st century skill attainment for K-3 elementary students during the COVID-19 pandemic era
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Saudi Arabia, similar to other governments, discontinued
face-to-face learning in favor of distance learning. The pandemic has had serious …
face-to-face learning in favor of distance learning. The pandemic has had serious …
Meta-learning: A Nine-layer model based on metacognition and smart technologies
The international organizations of education have already pointed out that the way students
learn, what they learn, and the skills needed, will be radically transformed in the coming …
learn, what they learn, and the skills needed, will be radically transformed in the coming …
School-based digital innovation challenges and way forward conversations about digital transformation in education
Background: This article attempts to formulate a school-based model to capitalise on the
opportunities and strengths within schools in the Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) regions to ideate …
opportunities and strengths within schools in the Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) regions to ideate …
Role of education 4.0 in innovative curriculum practices and digital literacy–A bibliometric approach
The aim of the research is to investigate the role of Education 4.0 in innovative curricular
practices and digital literacy, weaving logically with the central focus of the study on …
practices and digital literacy, weaving logically with the central focus of the study on …
Inovação educacional. O que é? Porquê? Onde? Como?
Os estudos publicados no campo da inovação educacional têm procurado mais disseminar
experiências do que compreendê-las na sua complexidade. Narram, em geral, experiências …
experiências do que compreendê-las na sua complexidade. Narram, em geral, experiências …