Atomic layer deposition—a versatile toolbox for designing/engineering electrodes for advanced supercapacitors
Atomic layer deposition (ALD) has become the most widely used thin‐film deposition
technique in various fields due to its unique advantages, such as self‐terminating growth …
technique in various fields due to its unique advantages, such as self‐terminating growth …
Porous one‐dimensional nanomaterials: design, fabrication and applications in electrochemical energy storage
Electrochemical energy storage technology is of critical importance for portable electronics,
transportation and large‐scale energy storage systems. There is a growing demand for …
transportation and large‐scale energy storage systems. There is a growing demand for …
Deciphering the lithium storage chemistry in flexible carbon fiber‐based self‐supportive electrodes
Flexible carbon fiber cloth (CFC) is an important scaffold and/or current collector for active
materials in the development of flexible self‐supportive electrode materials (SSEMs) …
materials in the development of flexible self‐supportive electrode materials (SSEMs) …
Adsorption energy engineering of nickel oxide hybrid nanosheets for high areal capacity flexible lithium-ion batteries
Enriching electrode materials with definite functions is of great influence but highly
challenging towards achieving high areal capacity lithium ion batteries (LIBs). Taking …
challenging towards achieving high areal capacity lithium ion batteries (LIBs). Taking …
A Multi‐Wall Sn/SnO2@Carbon Hollow Nanofiber Anode Material for High‐Rate and Long‐Life Lithium‐Ion Batteries
Abstract Multi‐wall Sn/SnO2@ carbon hollow nanofibers evolved from SnO2 nanofibers are
designed and programable synthesized by electrospinning, polypyrrole coating, and …
designed and programable synthesized by electrospinning, polypyrrole coating, and …
Atomic layer deposition of SnO2 on MXene for Li-ion battery anodes
In this report, we show that oxide battery anodes can be grown on two-dimensional titanium
carbide sheets (MXenes) by atomic layer deposition. Using this approach, we have …
carbide sheets (MXenes) by atomic layer deposition. Using this approach, we have …
Fundamentals and recent progress of Sn-based electrode materials for supercapacitors: A comprehensive review
Supercapacitors are extremely capable electrochemical energy storage devices owing to
their high power density, long cyclability, rapid charge-discharge rates, and environmentally …
their high power density, long cyclability, rapid charge-discharge rates, and environmentally …
A review on design strategies for carbon based metal oxides and sulfides nanocomposites for high performance Li and Na ion battery anodes
Carbon‐oxide and carbon‐sulfide nanocomposites have attracted tremendous interest as
the anode materials for Li and Na ion batteries. Such composites are fascinating as they …
the anode materials for Li and Na ion batteries. Such composites are fascinating as they …
Atomic/molecular layer deposition for energy storage and conversion
Energy storage and conversion systems, including batteries, supercapacitors, fuel cells,
solar cells, and photoelectrochemical water splitting, have played vital roles in the reduction …
solar cells, and photoelectrochemical water splitting, have played vital roles in the reduction …
Employing “one for two” strategy to design polyaniline-intercalated hydrated vanadium oxide with expanded interlayer spacing for high-performance aqueous zinc-ion …
Several layer-structured hydrated vanadium oxides have been investigated for aqueous zinc-
ion batteries (AZIBs), where one of the challenging issues is the relatively narrow interlayer …
ion batteries (AZIBs), where one of the challenging issues is the relatively narrow interlayer …