D Butu - PEDAGOGIKA: Jurnal Pedagogik dan Dinamika …, 2024 - ojs3.unpatti.ac.id
Abstrak; Penelitian ini menganalisis implementasi pendidikan kedamaian di SMP Negeri 2
Sentani dan dampaknya pada manajemen pendidikan berbasis kedamaian. Melalui …

Zilenial Teenagers' Perception Of Local Cultural Values 4s In Tamansari Bogor Subdistrict

M Muslim, A Saleh, A Satria… - JHSS (JOURNAL OF …, 2023 - journal.unpak.ac.id
This study aims to analyze the perception of generation Z adolescents towards the local
cultural values of 4S (Silih Asah, Silih Asih, Silih Asuh, and Silih Wangi) in Tamansari …

Teams Games Tournament (TGT) Cooperative Learning Model in Learning Personification Figures of Speech

RA Safira - Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan …, 2024 - ejournal.undiksha.ac.id
Currently, many teachers still need to pay more attention to conducive learning activities.
Teachers tend to use a student-centered learning model so that students feel bored while …

Peace Education in the Context of Marriage: An Ethnographic Study of Couples

S Handari, A Riyanto - National Conference on …, 2023 - proceeding.iainkudus.ac.id
The need for marital peace is increasing and has become an ideal for future life. The
purpose of this study is to explore in depth the conceptualization of peace education in the …

A Conflict Resolution Learning Models using Carton Ekspression Card Media in Develo** Conflict Resolving Skill in Elementary School

SM Dewi, T Suparman, YN DS… - MIMBAR PGSD …, 2023 - ejournal.undiksha.ac.id
The peace of students in school in reality is not easy to realize. Indications that connotes not
being peaceful at school are increasingly obvious. Various conflicts, ranging from the …

Trends of primary Schools' Conflict Resolution as Peace Education: A Bibliometric Analysis: English

Y Wahyuningsih, B Maftuh… - … in Education| IRJE …, 2024 - mail.online-journal.unja.ac.id
This research aimed to analyze computational map** on bibliometric data" Primary
School Conflict Resolution as Peace Education" from the Google Scholar database via …

Interpersonal Communication in Guidance and Counseling: The Role of Teachers' Empathy, Self-esteem, and Intrapersonal Peacefulness

S Buchori, N Fakhri, RA Fakhri - Journal of Educational Science …, 2023 - eprints.unm.ac.id
The aim of the research is is to investigate the influence of empathy, self-esteem, and
intrapersonal peacefulness on the development of interpersonal communication skills in …