Ladar transmitter with optical field splitter/inverter for improved gaze on scan area portions
LC Dussan - US Patent 10,908,262, 2021 - Google Patents
US10908262B2 - Ladar transmitter with optical field splitter/inverter for improved gaze on
scan area portions - Google Patents US10908262B2 - Ladar transmitter with optical field …
scan area portions - Google Patents US10908262B2 - Ladar transmitter with optical field …
Ladar receiver with advanced optics
LC Dussan, A Steinhardt, D Cook - US Patent 10,641,872, 2020 - Google Patents
Disclosed herein are various embodiment of an adaptive ladar receiver and associated
method whereby the active pixels in a photodetector array used for reception of ladar pulse …
method whereby the active pixels in a photodetector array used for reception of ladar pulse …
Ladar receiver with co-bore sited camera
LC Dussan, A Steinhardt, JD Benscoter… - US Patent …, 2020 - Google Patents
Disclosed herein is a ladar system that includes a ladar transmitter, ladar receiver, and
camera, where the camera that is co-bore sited with the ladar receiver, the camera …
camera, where the camera that is co-bore sited with the ladar receiver, the camera …
Ladar transmitter with feedback control of dynamic scan patterns
LC Dussan - US Patent 10,908,265, 2021 - Google Patents
US10908265B2 - Ladar transmitter with feedback control of dynamic scan patterns - Google
Patents US10908265B2 - Ladar transmitter with feedback control of dynamic scan patterns …
Patents US10908265B2 - Ladar transmitter with feedback control of dynamic scan patterns …
Low latency intra-frame motion estimation based on clusters of ladar pulses
LC Dussan, A Steinhardt, JD Benscoter… - US Patent …, 2020 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A ladar system can estimate intra-frame motion for an object within a field of
view of the ladar system using a tight cluster of ladar pulses. For example, ladar pulses in a …
view of the ladar system using a tight cluster of ladar pulses. For example, ladar pulses in a …
Intelligent ladar system with low latency motion planning updates
LC Dussan, A Steinhardt, JD Benscoter… - US Patent …, 2019 - Google Patents
5,831,719 A 11/1998 Berg et al. 2011/0260036 A 1 1 ()/2 () 11 Baraniuk et al. 6,031,601 A
2/2000 McCusker et al. 2011/0282622 A 1 1 1/2 () 11 Canter 6.245. 590 B1 6/2001 Wine et …
2/2000 McCusker et al. 2011/0282622 A 1 1 1/2 () 11 Canter 6.245. 590 B1 6/2001 Wine et …
Ladar receiver range measurement using distinct optical path for reference light
LC Dussan, A Steinhardt, D Cook - US Patent 10,782,393, 2020 - Google Patents
Disclosed herein are various embodiment of an adaptive ladar receiver and associated
method whereby the active pixels in a photodetector array used for reception of ladar pulse …
method whereby the active pixels in a photodetector array used for reception of ladar pulse …
Method and apparatus for an adaptive ladar receiver
LC Dussan, A Steinhardt, D Cook - US Patent 10,641,873, 2020 - Google Patents
Disclosed herein are various embodiments of an adaptive ladar receiver and associated
method whereby the active pixels in a photodetector array used for reception of ladar pulse …
method whereby the active pixels in a photodetector array used for reception of ladar pulse …
Adaptive ladar receiver
LC Dussan, A Steinhardt, D Cook - US Patent 10,754,015, 2020 - Google Patents
Disclosed herein are various embodiment of an adaptive ladar receiver and associated
method whereby the active pixels in a photodetector array used for reception of ladar pulse …
method whereby the active pixels in a photodetector array used for reception of ladar pulse …
Adaptive ladar receiving method
LC Dussan, A Steinhardt, D Cook - US Patent 10,761,196, 2020 - Google Patents
Disclosed herein are various embodiment of an adaptive ladar receiver and associated
method whereby the active pixels in a photodetector array used for reception of ladar pulse …
method whereby the active pixels in a photodetector array used for reception of ladar pulse …