Characteristics of sedimentary varve chronologies–a review
We constructed a varve data base (VDB) to study the worldwide distribution of varved
sediment records and the fidelity of their varve chronologies. Clusters of lakes with varved …
sediment records and the fidelity of their varve chronologies. Clusters of lakes with varved …
Laminated lake sediments in northeast Poland: distribution, preconditions for formation and potential for paleoenvironmental investigation
Glacial landscapes of the Land of Great Masurian Lakes and Suwałki Lakelands in
northeast Poland are characterized by very high abundance of lakes. These two areas were …
northeast Poland are characterized by very high abundance of lakes. These two areas were …
Conditions for deposition of annually laminated sediments in small meromictic lakes: a case study of Lake Suminko (northern Poland)
A three-year field study was conducted in Lake Suminko, Poland, to gain an understanding
of the limnological variables that influence the formation and spatial extent of annually …
of the limnological variables that influence the formation and spatial extent of annually …
[PDF][PDF] Vegetation development in the Lake Miłkowskie area, north-eastern Poland, from the Plenivistulian to the late Holocene
A Wacnik - Acta Palaeobotanica, 2009 - researchgate.net
Pollen and fossil green algae studies of bottom sediments from Lake Miłkowskie provide
new data about the post-glacial history of terrestrial and lacustrine vegetation in the Great …
new data about the post-glacial history of terrestrial and lacustrine vegetation in the Great …
Construction and validation of calendar-year time scale for annually laminated sediments–an example from Lake Szurpiły (NE Poland)
The composite sediment profile (12.39 m) from Lake Szurpiły (NE Poland) represents an
annually laminated organic-carbonaceous gyttja occasionally interrupted by turbidites and …
annually laminated organic-carbonaceous gyttja occasionally interrupted by turbidites and …
Pobór i opróbowanie powierzchniowych, silnie uwodnionych osadów jeziornych o nienaruszonej strukturze-uwagi metodyczne i stosowany sprzęt
W Tylman - Przegląd Geologiczny, 2007 - yadda.icm.edu.pl
This study presents some remarks about coring and sectioning cores of recent lake
sediments. Effective coring of such sediments is not easy because they are very loose (water …
sediments. Effective coring of such sediments is not easy because they are very loose (water …
[PDF][PDF] landscapes of cemeteries from the Roman and Migration periods in the Masurian lakeland (northeast Poland)
M Karczewska, M Karczewski - Archaeol. Balt, 2016 - academia.edu
The article discusses the question of palaeolandscapes of cemeteries from the Roman
Period and the Migration Period in the area of the Masurian Lakeland. The primary purpose …
Period and the Migration Period in the area of the Masurian Lakeland. The primary purpose …
Short-term changes in a Saalian glacial lake–The Parchliny C site, central Poland
L Wachecka-Kotkowska, D Krzyszkowski, J Krzymińska… - Catena, 2017 - Elsevier
The paper discusses results of sedimentological, faunal (molluscs, ostracods) and
geochemical studies of an 80-cm-thick rhythmite succession within a glaciolacustrine …
geochemical studies of an 80-cm-thick rhythmite succession within a glaciolacustrine …
[PDF][PDF] Badania palinologiczne w Polsce północno-wschodniej
M Kupryjanowicz - … północno-wschodnia w holocenie. Człowiek i …, 2008 - researchgate.net
Celem artykułu jest prześledzenie historii badań palinologicznych późnoglacjalnych i
holoceńskich osadów jeziornych i torfowiskowych w północno-wschodniej Polsce …
holoceńskich osadów jeziornych i torfowiskowych w północno-wschodniej Polsce …
Climate Change Before Instrumental Measurements
The chapter “Climate change before instrumental measurements” is a review and
compilation of papers concerning the reconstruction of Poland's climate in the last …
compilation of papers concerning the reconstruction of Poland's climate in the last …