Characteristics of sedimentary varve chronologies–a review

AEK Ojala, P Francus, B Zolitschka, M Besonen… - Quaternary Science …, 2012 - Elsevier
We constructed a varve data base (VDB) to study the worldwide distribution of varved
sediment records and the fidelity of their varve chronologies. Clusters of lakes with varved …

Laminated lake sediments in northeast Poland: distribution, preconditions for formation and potential for paleoenvironmental investigation

W Tylmann, B Zolitschka, D Enters… - Journal of …, 2013 - Springer
Glacial landscapes of the Land of Great Masurian Lakes and Suwałki Lakelands in
northeast Poland are characterized by very high abundance of lakes. These two areas were …

Conditions for deposition of annually laminated sediments in small meromictic lakes: a case study of Lake Suminko (northern Poland)

W Tylmann, K Szpakowska, C Ohlendorf… - Journal of …, 2012 - Springer
A three-year field study was conducted in Lake Suminko, Poland, to gain an understanding
of the limnological variables that influence the formation and spatial extent of annually …

[PDF][PDF] Vegetation development in the Lake Miłkowskie area, north-eastern Poland, from the Plenivistulian to the late Holocene

A Wacnik - Acta Palaeobotanica, 2009 -
Pollen and fossil green algae studies of bottom sediments from Lake Miłkowskie provide
new data about the post-glacial history of terrestrial and lacustrine vegetation in the Great …

Construction and validation of calendar-year time scale for annually laminated sediments–an example from Lake Szurpiły (NE Poland)

M Kinder, W Tylmann, D Enters, N Piotrowska… - GFF, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
The composite sediment profile (12.39 m) from Lake Szurpiły (NE Poland) represents an
annually laminated organic-carbonaceous gyttja occasionally interrupted by turbidites and …

Pobór i opróbowanie powierzchniowych, silnie uwodnionych osadów jeziornych o nienaruszonej strukturze-uwagi metodyczne i stosowany sprzęt

W Tylman - Przegląd Geologiczny, 2007 -
This study presents some remarks about coring and sectioning cores of recent lake
sediments. Effective coring of such sediments is not easy because they are very loose (water …

[PDF][PDF] landscapes of cemeteries from the Roman and Migration periods in the Masurian lakeland (northeast Poland)

M Karczewska, M Karczewski - Archaeol. Balt, 2016 -
The article discusses the question of palaeolandscapes of cemeteries from the Roman
Period and the Migration Period in the area of the Masurian Lakeland. The primary purpose …

Short-term changes in a Saalian glacial lake–The Parchliny C site, central Poland

L Wachecka-Kotkowska, D Krzyszkowski, J Krzymińska… - Catena, 2017 - Elsevier
The paper discusses results of sedimentological, faunal (molluscs, ostracods) and
geochemical studies of an 80-cm-thick rhythmite succession within a glaciolacustrine …

[PDF][PDF] Badania palinologiczne w Polsce północno-wschodniej

M Kupryjanowicz - … północno-wschodnia w holocenie. Człowiek i …, 2008 -
Celem artykułu jest prześledzenie historii badań palinologicznych późnoglacjalnych i
holoceńskich osadów jeziornych i torfowiskowych w północno-wschodniej Polsce …

Climate Change Before Instrumental Measurements

M Opała-Owczarek, T Niedźwiedź, R Przybylak… - Climate Change in …, 2021 - Springer
The chapter “Climate change before instrumental measurements” is a review and
compilation of papers concerning the reconstruction of Poland's climate in the last …