A review of high-heat-flux heat removal technologies

MA Ebadian, CX Lin - 2011 - asmedigitalcollection.asme.org
In recent years, high-heat-flux cooling techniques have received great attention from
researchers around the world due to its importance in thermal management of both …

Evaluation of jet im**ement, spray and microchannel chip cooling options for high heat flux removal

SG Kandlikar, AV Bapat - Heat Transfer Engineering, 2007 - Taylor & Francis
Thermal management for high heat flux removal from microelectronic chips is gaining critical
importance in many earth-based and space-based systems. Heat fluxes greater than 1 …

[HTML][HTML] Numerical study of turbulent heat transfer in confined and unconfined im**ing jets

M Behnia, S Parneix, Y Shabany, PA Durbin - International Journal of Heat …, 1999 - Elsevier
An elliptic relaxation turbulence model (v2− f model) has been used to simulate the flow and
heat transfer in circular confined and unconfined im**ing jet configurations. The model …

Jet im**ement cooling in power electronics for electrified automotive transportation: Current status and future trends

S Jones-Jackson, R Rodriguez… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Effective thermal management of power electronics in electric vehicles is essential for
reliability and increased power density. Currently, traditional cooling technologies such as …

Numerical investigation of laminar flow and heat transfer in a radial flow cooling system with the use of nanofluids

G Roy, CT Nguyen, PR Lajoie - Superlattices and Microstructures, 2004 - Elsevier
Nanofluids, because of their enhanced heat transfer capability as compared to normal
water/glycol/oil based fluids, offer the engineer opportunities for development in areas …

Direct liquid cooling of high flux micro and nano electronic components

A Bar-Cohen, M Arik, M Ohadi - Proceedings of the IEEE, 2006 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The inexorable rise in chip power dissipation and emergence of on-chip hot spots with heat
fluxes approaching 1= kW/cm/sup 2/has turned renewed attention to direct cooling with …

Heat transfer enhancement with the use of nanofluids in radial flow cooling systems considering temperature-dependent properties

SJ Palm, G Roy, CT Nguyen - Applied thermal engineering, 2006 - Elsevier
Heat transfer enhancement capabilities of coolants with suspended metallic nanoparticles
inside typical radial flow cooling systems are numerically investigated in this paper. The …

Effective cooling of a photovoltaic module using jet-im**ement array and nanofluid coolant

M Javidan, AJ Moghadam - … Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022 - Elsevier
Cooling of photovoltaic panels is an important topic in the field of energy-efficient devices.
An experimental setup is established in which SiC/water nanofluid with various flow rates …

Nozzle-geometry effects in liquid jet im**ement heat transfer

SV Garimella, B Nenaydykh - International Journal of Heat and Mass …, 1996 - Elsevier
Experiments were conducted to determine the effect of nozzle geometry (diameter and
aspect ratio) on the local heat transfer coefficients from a small heat source to a normally …

Thermal and structure analyses of high concentrator solar cell under confined jet im**ement cooling

EM Abo-Zahhad, S Ookawara, A Radwan… - Energy Conversion and …, 2018 - Elsevier
The high solar light concentration onto the photovoltaic cell leads to extremely high cell
temperature, which significantly decreases the cell efficiency and degrades its lifetime due to …