Electronic defects in metal oxide photocatalysts
A deep understanding of defects is essential for the optimization of materials for solar energy
conversion. This is particularly true for metal oxide photo (electro) catalysts, which typically …
conversion. This is particularly true for metal oxide photo (electro) catalysts, which typically …
Synthesis and hybridization of CuInS 2 nanocrystals for emerging applications
Copper indium sulfide (CuInS2) is a ternary A (I) B (III) X (VI) 2-type semiconductor featuring
a direct bandgap with a high absorption coefficient. In attempts to explore their practical …
a direct bandgap with a high absorption coefficient. In attempts to explore their practical …
Ordered Vacancies as Sodium Ion Micropumps in Cu‐Deficient Copper Indium Diselenide to Enhance Sodium Storage
F Liu, J Zong, Y Liang, M Zhang, K Song… - Advanced …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Unordered vacancies engineered in host anode materials cannot well maintain the uniform
Na+ adsorbed and possibly render the local structural stress intense, resulting in electrode …
Na+ adsorbed and possibly render the local structural stress intense, resulting in electrode …
It's a trap! On the nature of localised states and charge trap** in lead halide perovskites
The recent surge of scientific interest for lead halide perovskite semiconductors and
optoelectronic devices has seen a mix of materials science sub-fields converge on the same …
optoelectronic devices has seen a mix of materials science sub-fields converge on the same …
Wide band gap chalcogenide semiconductors
Wide band gap semiconductors are essential for today's electronic devices and energy
applications because of their high optical transparency, controllable carrier concentration …
applications because of their high optical transparency, controllable carrier concentration …
Defects in metal triiodide perovskite materials towards high-performance solar cells: origin, impact, characterization, and engineering
The rapid development of solar cells (SCs) based on organic–inorganic hybrid metal
triiodide perovskite (MTP) materials holds great promise for next-generation photovoltaic …
triiodide perovskite (MTP) materials holds great promise for next-generation photovoltaic …
Compound copper chalcogenide nanocrystals
This review captures the synthesis, assembly, properties, and applications of copper
chalcogenide NCs, which have achieved significant research interest in the last decade due …
chalcogenide NCs, which have achieved significant research interest in the last decade due …
Copper indium gallium selenide based solar cells–a review
Copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS) based solar cells are receiving worldwide attention
for solar power generation. They are efficient thin film solar cells that have achieved 22.8 …
for solar power generation. They are efficient thin film solar cells that have achieved 22.8 …
Point defect engineering in thin-film solar cells
Control of defect processes in photovoltaic materials is essential for realizing high-efficiency
solar cells and related optoelectronic devices. Native defects and extrinsic dopants tune the …
solar cells and related optoelectronic devices. Native defects and extrinsic dopants tune the …
Perovskite-inspired materials for photovoltaics and beyond—from design to devices
Lead-halide perovskites have demonstrated astonishing increases in power conversion
efficiency in photovoltaics over the last decade. The most efficient perovskite devices now …
efficiency in photovoltaics over the last decade. The most efficient perovskite devices now …